So you can't help but notice Bishop Talbert Swan and his followers comments after almost every POTUS tweet.
Nastiest bunch of hypocritical racist political Trump hating activists I've ever seen. He's also the head of NAACP in Sprinfield, MA area. His "Church" seems to be strong and he has 146,000 Twitter follows.
In 2018, he was banned for a short while most likely for a racist comment about Candac Owen's.
But, his account has been reinstated.
"Although Twitter did not specify what Tweet got him banned, Swan believes it was a Tweet he sent out in May in response to someone asking him to follow Candace Owens, a black conservative and critic of the Black Lives Matter movement.
"I responded by writing 'No thanks, I'm on the no coon diet'," he said."
He claims the comment is acceptable when blacks use it!
He's a disgusting person.