>>9139571 /pb
"…for Molestation and Sodomy of a Child,…"
NO! He was arrested for the ANAL RAPE of a 10-YEAR-OLD!!!!!!!!!
This is just another example of the absolutely disgusting evil of the tool/tools who wrote this - and to be fair, the majority of tools who use "polite" language to describe horrific evil!
Until the vacuous in 'media' use the exact words - English is a descriptive language, use the correct "descriptive" words!
Child rape, anal rape, child torture…THESE are the descriptive words that need to be used. The disgusting use of so-called 'politically correct' language when referring to something that is on this level of evil is only supporting the evil.
Call this disgusting sub-animal out for what he did. Care for the child he violently anally raped BEFORE concern over the poor, disgusting piece of animal detritus who did the violent anal rape of a 10-YEAR-OLD should make every actual, real human being standing against this - and other - garbage attempts to protect the rapist is sick.
The author needs to go visit the 10-YEAR-OLD this disgusting waste-of-oxygen tortured and raped…perhaps then they can look inside themselves and see if they can find the 'human' inside!