Thank your neighbor for borrowing their wifi.
Yeah I was thinking of stetting up a dedicated file structure. I'm thinking Topics, Players and something else. Not sure yet. What about you?
Innocence of Trump adminโฆ I'd fucking call it what it is, Promise made promised kept.
Yeah, i'll need to gather some more of those red pill questionsโฆ
Yeah I suppose I could drag my burisma file into crimes and perps.
I've never fucking understood this, why a foreigner for chief of staff? I get it, it's in the EU but how can you have a foreigner in your actual army?
Who gives a fuck if they don't "intend" to release the unmasking. They'll release in an UNintendeadly manner.
dis info isn't necessary, but we got to fuck with their heads and let em know they are not the ones calling the shots. This board is calling them.
A man never need know thirst around a democrat in 2020, I'm going to start selling straws for easy drinkage of dem tears.
17% off for members.
I literally just got here. The fucking bunker is cramped and there's no fucking covfefe in the pot.
Any links to Open Societies?
Did Hillary push against abortion lately?
โฆWell the fucking governors must be asleep or fucking in on it.