All of you selfish bigot need to wear a mask or stay the fuck home. I'm not even kidding. You literally don't care about anyone other than yourselves.
These fucking conspiracy theories are dangerous. You are getting people sick and dead. Go protest and die of Covid19. When this is over in a couple years, Antifa is coming for you racists.
That's real funny asshole. None of your care about your fellow citizens. Seriously, how fucking hard is it to wear a mask. It costs you nothing.
My right to live is more important than your racist constitution.
We have a bridge checkpoint to get to my little slice of heaven OBX. For once the police are doing something right. Stay the fuck home. I don't want to catch your Trump virus. You cowards should know not to mess with me. I will destroy you, like literally. Believe that!
My family is more important than your so called rights. You don't even know what the constitution says. Most of you knuckle-draggers can barely read anyway. Everybody at this point know that democrats are smarter. Science isn't a fucking joke.
I'm not a fucking troll. I'm just trying to educate you morons. You wont listen to reason.
You all deserve to die from this Republican Virus.
I'm done talking to you troglodytes. You will lose.
What are you going to do, take on the US military? Good Luck with that you fat inbred rednecks.
We are Antifa and we are legion.
I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!
Bring it on, cowards.
That's fake Drumph bullshit.
And it's you're, you stupid bigot.
Keep laughing!
President Biden is going to lock all of you terrorists up next January!
Believe that, bitches.
Obama did nothing wrong. There were no scandals. This is just right wing bullshit to smear the best President this country ever had. Your day is coming. We can't be stopped in November. Mail in ballots are the only fair way to let every voice be heard. Soon you NAZIs will be silenced and that day will be glorious.