We fight until TOTAL VICTORY over the Deep State ENEMY.
We never let up.
Bombardment continues unrelenting.
#Obamagate + #Obamaknew + #Comeyknew + #Schiffknew
We fight until TOTAL VICTORY over the Deep State ENEMY.
We never let up.
Bombardment continues unrelenting.
#Obamagate + #Obamaknew + #Comeyknew + #Schiffknew
Schiff batter. dimensioned for twitter.
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Each fact lights the darkness of ignorance.
Each fact we share teaches someone who didn't know.
Blow them away with FACTS.
>Fact - Currently under investigation for associating with Ed Buck
>Q: How can he continue with his leadership roles while he is under investigation. Ethically, he must recuse.