>>9142566 There is a reason why writers often use weather events as a backdrop to the novel's plot, said reason being that there is sometimes truth to this synchronicity.
Attention smack talking Antifa Tards: TY so much for coming here and projectile vomiting your mental illness on the screen, so that the entire world can bear witness to your twisted failure. Apparently you licked your soul deep wounds after your idol, BS, was once again proven to be a hollow man who sold out you personally, along with millions of other ignorant tools. And now you are back, insisting, "It's just a flesh wound." No, no, no…it's an ugly compound fracture of the skull, and your (admittedly scanty) cranial matter is oozing out over your faces. Nov. 3 is so near…..tick tock.
>>9143060 Will postulate that when Zero's turn comes, previously unknown information will be released, proving that he utterly betrayed voters/people of color, in ways that will have them baying for justice. No way, no how that "thing" or the manwife walk off into the sunset.