Legacy media finally catches up: Covid patients are oxygen-starved and do poorly on ventilators
May 12
Legacy media finally catches up: Covid patients are oxygen-starved and do poorly on ventilators
Doctors at Providence Hospital in Seattle observed that the very first known U.S. patient to have Covid-19 was suffering from a lack of oxygen. That was back in January 2020.
The unnamed patient, who reported to urgent care after four days of fever and a dry cough, was tested due to having just returned from Wuhan, China. After testing positive for 2019-nCoV, he was hospitalized on January 21 in an isolation room.
At first, his blood-oxygen saturation levels were within the normal 96%-98% range, and he did not have shortness of breath, but did have a cough and two days of nausea and vomiting, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. A chest x-ray on day 3 showed no abnormalities.
Patient zero was never put on a ventilator; instead, his doctors noted growing evidence of pneumonia coupled with low blood-oxygen saturation rates. He received supplemental oxygen, two kinds of antibiotics for a possible hospital-derived infection — and experimental drug Remdesivir for compassionate use.
The very next day, he began improving. On day 8, oxygen levels showed normal “and the previous bilateral lower-lobe rales were no longer present” in the lungs..