>>9142512 (lb)
no graphs but these are all I can find.
>>9142512 (lb)
no graphs but these are all I can find.
What a shocker!!! The Government of California screwing over the Republicans and the Republicans saying…duh….ok…we will get them next time..huh..huh..
Hillary only killed individual persons to avoid being caught…but…the Democratic Party is willing to kill the whole fucking planet to avoid it.
Even the homeless people are going..WTF!!!
like candles or fish??
I wonder if no republican was to vote…the votes come in and it's 150 million votes for (lets say Joe) but no votes for Trump…can we then say it was rigged…they would really have a hard time trying to prove that everyone voted for Joe and not one vote for Trump…lol…I know that really sounds bad for Trump but it is to prove a point.