Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.9142549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Father, the Son, and the Wealthy Spirit


Alexander Fridman is not your typical 19-year-old. The son of Russian oligarch Mikhail Fridman, he recently started his third business and is hoping to make it on his own, with a little help from daddy’s contacts


Before January, nobody had heard of Alexander Fridman. This should come as no surprise, as 19-year-old men searching for their place in the world rarely pique the public’s interest. But, then, a short story published by Bloomberg turned Fridman into an international sensation. This is because Fridman is not your average young man but the son of Mikhail Fridman, one of Russia’s most prominent and well-known oligarchs, whose personal fortune is estimated at over $14 billion, according to Forbes.



Fridman was described in the story as the exact opposite of what you would expect from the son of one of Russia’s richest men: he was living in the outskirts of Moscow, in a rented apartment that cost $500 a month, and using public transportation to move around. “I eat, live, sleep, dress in everything that I earned myself,” Fridman told Bloomberg at the time.



Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.9142576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2635 >>2832 >>3146 >>3252

“Operation Volute”: Covert UK Propaganda Efforts in Syria May Have Broken UK Law


Internal assessment concluded UK government's covert support of 'moderate opposition' was shallow, lacked coherence and cost lives


The UK’s covert propaganda programmes in war-torn Syria were poorly planned, probably illegal and cost lives, according to a scathing internal review of the initiative that has been seen by Middle East Eye.


Using news agencies, social media, poster campaigns and even children’s comics, communications companies working under contract to the British government attempted to undermine both the Assad government and the Islamic State group and bolster elements within the Syrian opposition.


The UK embarked on its propaganda efforts in the country in 2012 and stepped them up dramatically the following year as the government sought to maintain a strategic foothold after parliament had voted against any British military intervention in the conflict.


The series of programmes was given the codename Operation Volute, and those involved in the work talked not of propaganda, but of “strategic communications”, or “SC”.


However, a review that was conducted during the summer of 2016 concluded that the “fundamental shortcomings” of the initiative included “no conflict analysis [and] no target audience analysis”.

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.9142590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2602 >>2667 >>2716 >>2832 >>3146 >>3252



I was the first to endorse President Donald J. Trump, even when many thought I was nuts to do so. I helped Trump win and traveled the country with him, embedded in his campaign. I am one of the architects of his agenda, and I was pushing his agenda even before he ran for office.


I have remained faithful to the President and his agenda. I have always stood up for him, and I never backed down, not even for one moment. My convictions are immovable, built on rock, not sand.


As the world knows, the President disagreed with me on recusal, but I did what the law required me to do. I was a central figure in the campaign and was also a subject of and witness in the investigation and could obviously not legally be involved in investigating myself. If I had ignored and broken the law, the Democrats would have used that to severely damage the President.


Some have asked, why take the job as Attorney General if I knew I would have to recuse myself from the investigation? I knew no such thing. I wasn’t informed of Comey’s secret investigation until after I became Attorney General, and the investigation wasn’t publicly confirmed by the FBI until weeks after my recusal.


Knowing of the President’s disagreement with my decision, I tendered my resignation in writing the morning after Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel. But President Trump chose not to accept it, and he asked me to continue to serve as his Attorney General and to help him “Make America Great Again.”


The investigation was a disruptive and prolonged fiasco for America and especially for President Trump, and a massive waste of money chasing the deep-state myth of Russian collusion. Recently disclosed documents also reveal the extent of former FBI Director James Comey’s underhanded efforts to undermine our President.


One thing you may not know is that I advised from the beginning of the administration that Comey should be removed and the FBI given a fresh start. I concluded that Comey was driven by ego, lacked self-discipline, and lacked the judgement necessary to lead an agency as critical as the FBI, as was evidenced by the completely improper way he declined to prosecute Hillary Clinton.


The end result of the Mueller investigation is that the President (and I) were fully exonerated, so much so that the subsequent Ukraine impeachment witch hunt did not even mention the phony Russian collusion idea.


My principles, like my faith, are immovable and non-negotiable. I believe it is always right to do the right thing. My opponent, Tommy Tuberville, calls that weakness, which reveals his true lack of integrity.


True strength and courage are found in the determination to do the right thing, even when you know the consequences may be painful. You can always count on me to do my best to do the right thing, for you, for the state of Alabama, and for the United States of America. I will never go wobbly on you.

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.9142603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2623 >>2627 >>2656 >>2659 >>2679 >>2684 >>2702 >>2710 >>2744 >>2826 >>2844 >>2856



Vatican City was packed with onlookers yesterday as Pope Francis stood on the Papal Promenade, delivering a speech that was half-sermon and half-political observance. But when the 82-year old’s remarks turned to criticism of American President Donald Trump, silence suddenly engulfed the streets like when Melania is gently packed back into her shipping crate for a peaceful evening’s rest.


“The time of election is fast approaching the United States of America, where many of my children of Christ reside. I am fearful that the least among them will fall victim again to the evil and morally decrepit creature Trump. I believe that should he be re-elected, God wil abandon all of his blessings upon America, and may see fit to raze it down, as Sodom, as Gomorrah.”

He also took a moment to officially forgive the Doobie Brothers for telling people that Jesus is “just alright.”


Francis, real name “Jorge”, is an Argentinian, and the ninth oldest Pontiff to be consecrated. Many of the faithful have criticized his liberal attitudes in the recent past, noting his tolerance of gays and washing of the feet of the poor. Still more believe he is especially rough on President Trump because he comes from a country of Brown people, and we all know what the Chosen One thinks of them.


I love ALL colors of people. A to Z. Alabaster to zirconia.”


Well, there’s one thing that everyone knows for sure, and it’s that America is God’s country. The Heavenly Father peers down on us with loving eyes, sitting next to us watching “Big Bang Theory”


and wanting to bone Penny, helping us check the bag on the way out of the drive-thru to make sure we got a Burrito Supreme and not one of those disgusting “Crunchwrap” tampon-tacos, perhaps even gently guiding the needle while we sit proudly for a red, white, and blue American flag titty tattoo. Real patriots know that God is with them, No matter what a glorified man-nun has to say.

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.9142639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2686 >>2706 >>2714 >>2721 >>2742 >>2806 >>2824 >>2832 >>3146 >>3252

Eric Eggers: ‘Fair to Assume’ Illegal Aliens Will Get Mail-in Ballots in California


Government Accountability Institute Research Director Eric Eggers, author of Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election, says it is “fair to assume” that many illegal aliens will receive mail-in ballots in California for the 2020 election thanks to a plan by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).


In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, Eggers said California’s automatic voter registration coupled with providing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens opens its elections to a host of fraud.


That fraud, Eggers expects, will be exacerbated by Newsom’s statewide mail-in voting plan for the 2020 election.


“This is really where the left shows a level of hypocrisy, which they’re not regularly held to account,” Eggers said. “What if the ballots go to illegal immigrants that willingly or unwillingly ended up on the voter rolls and maybe they just don’t even know they’re not supposed to be casting ballots? Because remember, elsewhere in California and elsewhere nationally, it is legal for noncitizens to vote in certain local elections.”


“Basically, what you’ve got is this hodgepodge of a lack of oversight, lacks regulation, and confusion by the general public,” Eggers said. “And oh, by the way, there’s a global pandemic, so many people are focused on other things at the moment. And so … here come all the ballots, and yes, many of the people that will get the ballots will be legal voters, but many of those ballots will end up somewhere other than in the hands of legal [voters], and that’s exactly where the recipe for fraud can occur.”


“The only person standing in between a noncitizen or an illegal alien just getting their driver’s license and the voter rolls is a DMV employee,” Eggers said. “You’ve got these people … often times are confused or coerced by political operatives and told to register to vote. … The DMV officials are prohibited by law from giving real guidance on should you check the box and register to vote or not.”


“You’ve got this system where you know you’ve got over a million illegal immigrants in California that have driver’s licenses,” Eggers continued. “I think it’s fair to assume that a good number of those inadvertently or intentionally ended up on the voter rolls, and those people are about to be receiving a mail-in ballot.”


Eggers noted that Los Angeles County, California, was found to have about 1.5 million more registered voters on its voter rolls than eligible voting-age citizens. About 348 counties in the U.S. have more registered voters on their voter rolls than even possible.


Likewise, California has previously had a voter registration rate of over 100 percent, indicating more registered voters on voter rolls than those eligible to vote in the state.


Statistics cited by the U.S. Supreme Court, Eggers said, reveal that about 1-in-8 voter registrations, or 24 million, are significantly flawed. Under a mail-in voting system, every one of those flawed voter registrations would receive ballots.


As Newsom suspends in-person voting for the 2020 election, Eggers said the state will still allow ballot harvesting — the process where political operatives can collect voters’ ballots and deliver them to polling stations.


Eggers said California’s ballot harvesting helped flip seven congressional seats in 2018 from Republican to Democrat in and around the Los Angeles area.


“We haven’t suspended [ballot harvesting] in the name of safety,” Eggers said.

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.9142668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2959 >>3146 >>3252

What? Senior DOJ Official Says Justice Dept. Does Not Intend to Release the Unmasking List Delivered to DOJ by DNI Ric Grenell


Flynn’s leaked calls were published by WaPo’s David Ignatius on January 12, 2017 which led to Flynn being fired as National Security Advisor in February of 2017.


Obama’s former NatSec advisor Susan Rice was forced to acknowledge she unmasked Trump’s senior advisors during the transition period, however she maintained it was not politically motivated.


According to previous reports by John Solomon, Obama’s Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power also unmasked hundreds of Americans in Obama’s last year in office.


Now this…

On Tuesday ABC reporter Alex Mallin tweeted out that a senior DOJ official says “we do not intend to release the unmasking list.”


This is outrageous!


ABC panic???

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.9142697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2832 >>3146 >>3252

Coronavirus: China’s ‘bastard act’ against Australia after suspending meat imports


China has been accused of engaging in a “bastard act” against Australia, with one MP slamming the country’s actions as “bullying and coercion”.


China has been accused of engaging in “a bastard act” after it banned Australian beef exports before appearing to link the move directly with Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s inquiry into COVID-19.


Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian blamed the ban on violations of quarantine rules on Tuesday night, before promptly warning Australia it could face retaliation over the push for an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus.


“Chinese customs has continuously found that multiple batches of beef products exported to China by individual Australian companies have violated the inspection and quarantine requirements,’’ he said.


When asked by an Australian journalist if he was linking the beef ban and the inquiry, he replied, “I just made it very clear”.


“They are two different things, you’re making a political interpretation”.


But Liberal-Nationals MP George Christensen said it was clear enough what was going on.


“It’s a bastard act,’’ he told


“My understanding is it’s about a third of Australia’s meat exports to China.


“It’s just wrong. China has just gone into full, bullying, threatening, coercion mode. That’s what I think.


The Queensland MP said China had questions to answer on the spread of the coronavirus.


But rather than engage in a “tit for tat” diplomatic debate he urged Australia to use the Chinese-owned Port of Darwin as a bargaining chip.


“There’s a lot of questions being raised now about the Port of Darwin,’’ he said.


“There is a clear clause in it that says at any point in time it’s deemed to be a national security issue that contract is null and void


“They are positioning themselves directly against us and against our national interests. Certainly, there are bargaining chips out there, like the Port of Darwin.”


Earlier, Mr Christensen told Parliament: “We can keep giving into Communist China’s threats, or we can stand up for our sovereignty and our economic independence.”

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.9142817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2828 >>2832 >>2872 >>2912 >>3146 >>3252

Canada teams up with Chinese scientists to co-produce potential Covid-19 vaccine and test it on humans


The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has struck a deal with a Chinese biotechnology company developing one of the “most advanced” vaccine candidates against the novel coronavirus to produce and test in Canada.


A vaccine named Ad5-nCoV, which may prove effective against Covid-19, has been developed by China’s CanSino Biologics company together with the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, part of the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences. It was already approved for the first phase of clinical trials in China in mid-March and is now expected to be tested in Canada too.


The NRC, the Canadian government’s leading research and development agency, has announced it will cooperate with CanSino to “advance bioprocessing and clinical development” of the potential vaccine. The inoculation is about to become the first one to enter the second phase of trials on humans – which means it has been deemed generally safe enough to start evaluating its effectiveness against the virus.


Canada’s role would mostly amount to manufacturing the doses to be used in human tests and administered to patients – if approved for emergency pandemic use. “We are going to get to evaluate it for safety and efficacy in Canada, as is being done already in China, and Canada will now be part of the front-runner story,” Roman Szumski, vice-president of life sciences at the NRC, told the Globe and Mail.


The vaccine is essentially a genetically modified adenovirus, carrying a spike protein specific to Covid-19 to help the human body prepare to identify and destroy the disease.

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.9142843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3146 >>3252

BlackRock Begins Buying Junk Bond ETFs for the Fed Today: It’s Already at Work for the Central Bank of Israel


It’s off to the races today for BlackRock. The New York Fed, with authority from the Federal Reserve Board and backstopped with taxpayers’ money, will begin the first phase of the Fed’s unprecedented leap into shoring up the sagging prices of investment grade corporate debt and junk bonds. BlackRock has been selected by the New York Fed to be the investment manager for these bailout facilities and will begin Phase I today by buying up Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) containing investment grade corporate bonds as well as junk bonds. Making the situation particularly dicey is that BlackRock just happens to be one of the largest purveyors of said ETFs.


The screaming conflict-of-interest that this raises in the minds of many is not ruffling any feathers at the New York Fed (which is itself a bundle of conflicts wrapped in a fraud monetization spigot that creates money out of thin air.) The New York Fed has swiftly dismissed this problem with the following language in its Investment Management Agreement with BlackRock:


“The Manager shall treat BlackRock-sponsored ETFs on the same neutral footing as ETFs sponsored by other entities…If the holdings of BlackRock-sponsored ETFs by the Company at any time exceeds or is expected to exceed the then-current market share of BlackRock-sponsored ETFs in the corporate bond ETF market on average (calculated with reference to the most recently ended calendar month), the Manager will notify the Company and consult with the FRBNY, as managing member of the Company, to review the holdings of the Company and implement such adjustments as the FRBNY may direct.”


The New York Fed’s answer to teetering highly-leveraged corporate debt is to set up a highly-leveraged bailout facility run by Wall Street insider, BlackRock, which is also managing U.S. securities purchases for the central bank of Israel.


The stimulus bill known as the CARES Act allocated $454 billion of taxpayers’ money to effectively bail out all of the New York Fed’s bad supervisory decisions over the past decade. The $454 billion has been designated as “loss absorbing capital” to soak up the first 10 to 25 percent of losses in the Fed’s alphabet soup list of bailout facilities. The New York Fed will use $75 billion of the $454 billion for its two corporate bond buying programs, the Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility and the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility. Those programs will be leveraged by an approximate factor of 10 to 1 to create $750 in corporate bond bailouts. Given the size of the corporate bond problem, we strongly suspect that’s just the beginning.

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:24 p.m. No.9142885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3007 >>3073 >>3146 >>3252

Justice Department reviewing ‘unmasking,’ but source suggests decision on releasing files is DNI's 'call'


The Justice Department has been reviewing the unmasking of U.S. officials as part of its broader examination of the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, and is now taking a look at files on the subject that acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell delivered to the DOJ last week, Fox News has learned.


As Fox News previously reported, Grenell made the decision to declassify information about Obama administration officials who were involved in the “unmasking” of former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — whose calls with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition were picked up in surveillance and later leaked.


“To the extent that this information is related to any open investigation we will be taking a close look at it," a DOJ official said.


However, tensions appear to be emerging between the ODNI and DOJ over who should make the call on whether to actually release the documents shared by Grenell.


The DOJ official told Fox News that the Justice Department currently has no plans to release that list of names.


"The Justice Department is confused as to where the idea that we would be releasing this information came from, given that ODNI is the owner of that information, if they want to release it they can do it, that's their call," the DOJ official told Fox News.


The Justice Department was consulted on the issue because the intelligence community does not necessarily have total authority over its own information when it comes to releasing it to the public. Any U.S. government intelligence that is released lawfully to the American public is supposed to first undergo review either by the DOJ or by the president. It is illegal to release unmasked intelligence information for political gain.


Have a third narrative concerning this FFS

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.9142910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2952 >>2963 >>2996 >>3146 >>3252

L.A. County stay-at-home order likely to be extended through July to fight coronavirus


Los Angeles County’s stay-at-home orders will “with all certainty” be extended for the next three months, county Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer acknowledged during a Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday.


Ferrer said that would only change if there was a “dramatic change to the virus and tools at hand.”


“Our hope is that by using the data, we’d be able to slowly lift restrictions over the next three months,” she said. But without widely available therapeutic testing for the coronavirus or rapid at-home tests that would allow people to test themselves daily, it seems unlikely that restrictions would be completely eased.


Ferrer made the comments as the board debated whether to extend the county’s eviction moratorium for one to three months.

Anonymous ID: 8fde39 May 12, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.9143002   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel to Annex the United States


Ambassador predicts a “deepening connection”


As the Beatles once put it, “I read the news today, oh boy…” One might argue that the “oh boy” has been part and parcel of one’s morning media review ever since 9/11, but depending on one’s own inclinations, the daily content might well be considered particularly depressing over the past several years. As regular readers of will already know, my particular perception is that the American “special relationship” with the Jewish state has been a disaster for the United States and for the entire Middle East region, to include even Israel itself. Israel has used the uncritical U.S. support it has enjoyed since the time of Lyndon Johnson to pursue unwise policies vis-à-vis its neighbors that have drawn Washington into conflicts that would have been avoided. It has meanwhile exploited the power of its formidable domestic lobby to bleed the U.S. Treasury of well over $100 billion in direct grants plus three times that much in terms of largely hidden trade and co-production arrangements approved by a subservient Congress and endorsed by a controlled media.


In return, the United States has wound up with a “best friend and ally” that has spied on the U.S., stolen its technology, corrupted its government processes and lied consistently about its neighbors to create a casus belli so Americans can die in pointless wars rather than Israelis. The Lavon Affair and the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty reveal that Israel’s government will kill Americans when it suits them to do so, knowing full well that the sycophants in Washington and the Jewish dominated media will hardly whimper at the affront.


Over the past three years Donald J. Trump has delivered on his promise to be the “best friend in Washington that Israel has ever had.” He appointed his own bankruptcy lawyer and arch Zionist David Friedman as U.S. Ambassador, a man who clearly sees his mission as promoting Israeli interests rather than those of the United States. Israel has illegally exploited an American green light to declare all of Jerusalem its capital and Trump has obligingly moved the U.S. Embassy to suit. The Jewish state, which has inevitably declared itself legally to be “Jewish” and no longer anything like a democracy, has also illegally annexed the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and is now preparing to assimilate much of the formerly Palestinian West Bank. Expulsion of nearly all remaining Palestinians, even the ones who are Israeli citizens, will no doubt come next and has in fact been called for by some Jewish politicians. The extreme Israel-philia embraced by the White House and Congress has, inter alia, meant unrelenting hostility towards both Iran and Syria, neither of which poses any real threat or challenge to the American people or to any genuine U.S. interests.