Anonymous ID: 9feb40 May 12, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.9143026   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, this makes sense to me, for what it's worth. No med background just limited personal experience and research. I have what's called "cluster autoimmune disorder" or multiple autoimmune diseases. Been following research on here last few weeks, reading what I can.

I was never fully vaccinated as a child. Two attempts were made but because of severe reactions, I have never had any other vaccination. At 29 yrs old, I was diagnosed with 6 different autoimmune diseases. I always felt there was a connection and believe so even more now.


Last summer, got new carpet… favorite pet decided to christen new carpet, a lot. I noticed each time I either sprayed and scrubbed with cleaner or got the big steam cleaner out, I would have a severe reaction, even trying different brands and products. Contact dermatitis, rash, awful itching… symptoms that strongly resemble Kawasaki and would cause so much inflammation, it would trigger other autoimmune diseases to spiral. Nixed chemically floor cleaners and I'm almost back to normal.