Good News!!
we need to finish that CORONA SHIT.
People are now totally divided by the Corona-Question.
Believers vs. Nonbelievers
divide et impera!
Believers say, people are dying of corona!
If not now, then after a few weeks… incubation time is long.
Many are afraid!
And you cannot make people to go to work when people are afraid of dying.
They even defend Bill Gates and George Soros.
They LIKE wearing masks
They will reprimand you if you not wear it.
As long as we do not have the CURE, this will not stop.
Every time someone dies of a flu they will say, it was COVID and blame us for it!
So, Release the Cure! Make it available for the public!
Hydroxychloroquine now!
Just THIS will stop this farce!
(not any more video or picture of politicians without masks..!)
if the CURE is connected to Trump - many more people will probably vote for him.;))