It purges fear and awakens the shadow.
Children that young are raped to uncoil the Kundalini.
The sick fucks insist they're helping them by purging their fear and teaching them to climb the stairway to heaven (Rainbow Bridge). Hopefully now you understand why the faggots stole the Rainbow and use it as their symbol for homosexuality.
Yes, you got that right, they rape their very young children to awaken in them powers they otherwise would need decades of work to conjure in themselves, one of the prerequisites for which being an eradication of fear - hence siblings murdering each other and children like the ones in Hampstead being told that "fear is the Mind Killer".
I'm sorry to dump this on you, frens. I know how this must feel.
The fuckers are teaching their nearly-infant children how to use Shadow when they could be showing them Love and helping us increase the vibration so that all of us are saved.
>It's going to be biblical.
Yeah, that's an understatement.