The War is a Mass Ext Event. it's inevitable?
Go Go Hungary!!!
Cuba is the KGB HQ of the Communist. South America is completely kidnapped by the Communsim.
Cuba is the KGB HQ of the Communist. South America is completely kidnapped by the Communism.
Canada signed a contract with China for the deficit of your debt. Also France.
NOT PLEASE!!, The Cabal wants the WAR!!!
I'm Foreign, Not American.
>Once it goes the way of the Venezuelan Bolivar, they don't have a control mechanism or a way to print money and create value out of thin air.
Venezuela is a Falling State, it's completed Collapsed. Black hats here. Could be more Communist Black hats as Petro (Colombia), Panama, etc.
Control China.
it seems as a Friendly salute.
The problem is that They have the Gold.