Anonymous ID: 6a92fa May 12, 2020, 7:44 p.m. No.9149696   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's a tug of war.

Who's really pulling his string?

[GJ]s not finished?

[DS] delaying tactic?

Q's last drop seemed to signal [Hussein] was sending comms to Sullivan to push proceedings into the public to delay.

Flynn guilty plea withdrawal might've spooked them.

I reckon we'll see.

Anonymous ID: 6a92fa May 12, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.9149976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The entire admin was filled with retards.


But they were a bunch of useful idiots who would do exactly what they were told.

The thing about Ben Rhodes is everything leads back to one thing:

how profoundly unfit he was for the job.

And that’s awkward; because of what it says about his ego and how someone like him

ever got close to the Oval Office in the first place.


Ben Rhodes' father (James M Rhodes) having interesting proximity to [GHW Bush] down in Houston, TX back in (1962) - From Baytown, went to Rice Univ. (class '62) - [GHW Bush] in Houston at the same time, also connected to Rice Univ.

(Ben & David) - Possibly "Farm Raised" assets.