Anonymous ID: 3582fe May 12, 2020, 8:32 p.m. No.9150309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0375

>>9149809 (LB)


Wonder what they're looking for in the DNA. The description that this Anon saw about Bill Gates' IDseq (think that is what the machine was called) said that all of the DNA in a sample is sent to GenBank. There was another databank or cloud storage in between IDseq and GenBank. With the testing being done at WW governments' decree and at governments' expense, do HIPPA laws still apply? With the volume of tests being done, can proper security be maintained in the data base? Suspect someone is looking for something but what?

Anonymous ID: 3582fe May 12, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.9150472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0492 >>0668 >>0852 >>0961


NIH, Nuremberg Code and Consciousness of Guilt?


In PB Notable,

>>9145641 , >>9145740 NIH removed info on The Nuremberg Code

an Anon noted that the NIH has removed its' Nuremberg Code page.


This screencap verifies Notable Anon's finding. Scroll down to see the NIH Nuremberg Code link.

Bing Search - Nuremberg Code

v v v


Clicking on the NIH link reveals that the NIH Nuremberg Code page has, indeed, been removed.

Nuremberg Code - NIH -Page not found - 5-12-2020.

v v v


Thanks to an enterprising Anon, the NIH page was partially archived on 1-30-2020.

v v v


The removal of the NIH webpage is very curious. During a time at which WHO, NIH, CDC and many other agencies and organizations are under heightened scrutiny, the removal throws up a red flag. Why now? Have agencies and organizations been experimenting on people around the world (including the U.S.)? Are they still experimenting on us? Can we call the removal of the NIH Nuremberg Code "consciousness of guilt"? Does the removal of the NIH Nuremberg Code page indicate that DS doesn't want anyone to know that they knew it was wrong to do something that they have done? This makes Q's "knowingly" posts very important to people "World Wide".


US says, action to "cover up" is evidence that there is "consciousness of guilt".


Now the trick is to find out everything that has been and is being covered up. Salute to the Anon who noticed and posted about the NIH page removal. Human experimentation during WWII resulted in convictions, hangings and life sentences for doctors involved in the experimentation. POTUS and Q have both said that we are at war. DS is scared. Panic in DC is real.

Anonymous ID: 3582fe May 12, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.9150492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0568 >>0668 >>0852 >>0961




NIH, Nuremberg Code and Consciousness of Guilt? continued.


The full list of the Nuremberg Code can be seen in the Holocaust Encyclopedia. It provides a brief history of the code and its importance. One big takeaway is that any human subject of a human experiment must give consent, be legally capable of giving informed consent and should be able to stop the experiment at any time. Another big takeaway is that the scientifically qualified person conducting the experiment must stop the experiment, if it becomes evident that harm is being done to the subject of the experiment.

Holocaust Encyclopedia.

Anonymous ID: 3582fe May 12, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.9150900   🗄️.is 🔗kun




TY Anons.


Knew awesome Night Shift Anons would have the specifics. Need to sleep. Will rest well knowing that Night Shift is on duty.