fuck off
shit memes kike
so what IS your cut-off?
2021, post in-auguration?
2022, mid term?
extended operations is not the art of war
Yes. Your second meme.
It's not just him though.
play along with them, expect less-than nothing.
have you noticed the rich are still getting richer?
see the yachts and cars and houses these people that made it in a jew Satan system have?
you trust them?
any of them?
they ALL lie to us. expert manipulators.
what defence does anyone honest have?
the only one when confronted by Jews, Masons, and those
that serve them is divorce and no contact.
if this 4 year plan was supposed to undermine any faith
in humans or god who just literally does fuck all as children
are tortured, raped, killed and eatenโฆ
blah blah blah free will
well it worked
i dont like God and I dont like people anymore