Anonymous ID: e85af9 May 13, 2020, 6:37 a.m. No.9153464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Democrats try to ban internet shutoffs until Pandemic is over"

Talking points from MOS && China must continue to flow until Agenda 2020/30 is complete, Trump removed, Patriots defeated. Cabal is defeated when communication is removed, apparently American media can not properly report without foreign influence, places like Reddit, FakeBook, Twatter, and other social grooming sites will lose massive control via bot farms.


DOITQ, cut the cord

Link to relevant Reddit thread, this was pushed middle of night, was top early morning and slowly been sliding down since:


>A proposed US law would make it illegal for telecom providers to terminate Internet or phone service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill was submitted in the Senate today by Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).

>"Now—as millions of Americans hunker down, work from home, and engage in remote learning—would be the absolute worst time for Americans to lose a critical utility like Internet service," Merkley said in an announcement.

>Separately, House Democratic leadership today unveiled a $3 trillion relief package that includes at least $4 billion for an "emergency broadband connectivity fund." That money, if approved, would be given to ISPs that provide discounts to low-income households and people who lose their jobs. Subsidies would be up to $50 a month for most low-income households and up to $75 for households in tribal areas. Another $1.5 billion would be allotted to Wi-Fi hotspots and other telecom equipment for schools and libraries.

>The relief package also includes a provision that "prohibits telephone and broadband service providers from stopping service to consumers unable to pay during the duration of the emergency," according to House Democrats.