gates wants to make you into a bitcoin mining machine get some use out of that brain you barely use kek so twisted and not funny but true patents reveal the depths of his twisted nature im gonna do some rev speech on his voice lookup Voxel Brain Mapping for a start and other goodies will be fpound down said rabbit hole
see yeah that guy jayz he came to me long time ago one day when he was still selling cracks on the street
trying to get deep into that black magic game he had these three roosters big fucking chickens in a cage
and he asked me if i could hold em for a few hours then he would come back and get them and heres 100 dollars
so i took the benji waited bout an hour smoked the crack he also gave me blew it in the chickens beaks
smoked em out then sold that niggas chickens fo forty dollas when he came back he frown he cry a lil
told me now the devil wont give him no rap deal without the blood of three roosters for the ceremony
where he gotta get buck naked in a coffin and beat his dick with other guys watching
man i seen that nigga on tv just yesterday he must have found three more roosters
how i nearly saved the world from rockafella records
bo skeetle NY age 67