Anonymous ID: d2aa3e May 13, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.9155909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5917

>>9153921 (PB)

I wonder if Dershowitz reads 8kun. He's saying what I - entered into the bar just long enough for happy hour - said almost two days ago.

Mea culpa, mea culpa in my ignorance, I was horribly wrong but Dershowitz, I have come to believe, is simply a devious SOB. And so, it would seem, is Barr.

I've since learned more about the law then I had previously been aware of (reading Michigan compiled statutes at the Henry Ford Centennial law library was a summertime hobby while in HS some 50 years ago), but both Dershowitz and Barr (and all those others who are, of necessity, involved) should find none of what I have just learned to be new knowledge.

Guise … what do we know of Dershowitz character? HAS IT CHANGED?


Is Barr, pushing for dropped charges BEFORE delivery of the documents requested by defendants motion for discovery, "our guy"? He let the prosecution proceed unabated up until the DOJ was pressured to produce documents proving that they acted unlawfully. The documents the DOJ has been dragging its tail on / lying about having will REMAIN HIDDEN if the case closes prior to their production and entry into evidence.


''Barr is covering up for the DOJ and Dershowitz is piling on.''


Barr is hiding proof of DOJ guilt. NOT OUR GUY.


The DOJ is seriously fucked up. Forget that 99% / 1% bullshit … the 1% are those few employees who are willing to buck the system in order to establish and defend justice for the American people … the 99% are, if not instigators of injustice and corruption, "Stepand Fetchits" who "go along to get along." They just want to limp along with their government paycheck, health insurance and (fairly generous) retirement plan. Any principled interest they might have once had disappeared the day their first child was born.


Is what Sullivan doing impeachable? You can impeach a shoe box if you want to put the time, money and political capital into it. So yes, he's impeachable (and in, say, judging a rape, I'd break out the torch and pitchfork myself).

But he's actually doing the right thing.


The DOJ is dropping this case to avoid complying with judicially correct orders for discovery. They didn't magically grow a moral spine when the fat guy with bagpipes showed up. They are hoping to 1) continue to evade releasing the requested material 2) leave a cloud over Flynn 3) cover for their own violations of law.

I don't know if this is the best Sidney Powell can get out of the mess, but the American people could be the big losers here.


By continuing the case instead of allowing the prosecution (DOJ) to drop it now, Sullivan is continuing the pressure on them to produce the materials that they have been stonewalling the court on for nearly three years. Sullivan is shining a spotlight on DOJ corruption and deserves our support.

Yep, I see that he invited a couple liberal groups to file briefs and I hope they take him up on it because if he accepts THEIR briefs, then he's bound to accept briefs from conservative sources if they are filed within the same time frame. The liberal groups are the ones most likely to pick up that gauntlet, this is true (your tax dollars at work against you, again), but in so doing SHOULD provoke a response from conservative sources.


The DOJ remains in contempt of the court. If the amicus briefs also make requests for discovery of (at a minimum) the same material, the DOJ will remain on the hook for those documents and under pressure from groups much better funded than Flynn is.

Sullivan is in a strange position. He's both the tip of the spear and the target in the open. Alan (but I kept my underwear on) Dershowitz hasn't changed … keep in mind what we already know of his character … and he isn't calling for impeachment in a quest for "Truth, Justice and the American Way" – he's calling for a cover-up. Barr's record is pretty dismal, too.

If we are EVER going to play "activist autists" in this movie, we'd better get our asses in gear while there is still time.

I contributed to Flynn's Go Fund Me, and I'm likely to contribute to one for Sullivan, too. Barr is, at the very best, bending to pressure from subordinates. But I am not convinced we should be giving him that much benefit of the doubt because the reasons for doubt continue to pile up.