True - and it is. Just not on this platform, which is more for content consumption as opposed to content creation.
I also don't believe in badgering the boards with an idea. I post once. If it is missed, it is missed. I might bring up an idea I posted again at some future point if it is relevant, but - otherwise, if I dropped a major pearl of wisdom that was completely missed by the anons of today, then it is there in the archives for nerds three centuries from now to unearth and be amused.
I tried the whole board badger thing when I was a bit newer to the boards… Meh.
I suppose part of me is a bitter prick. Everyone wants to be fucking spoon fed and when you try to break it down Barney style for them… The thread gets deleted.
Alright… Fucking get exterminated by the cabal. Lol. More weminz in the post apocalypse for me, I guess. Not that knowledge of it really prevents death from the cabal war… But my ego likes to think that way.