Anons, I've been trying to peice this together 40,000 ft.
So, it seems as if history has been manipulated. What we know to be true isn't quite true. For what else is history than something we read and are then taught. It's like the Matrix - "what is real?" Reality is just a perception of senses.
I've been trying to think back with all the clues what Q has been giving us to try and peice together where history has been subverted. I go back to everything I know in holy books across the worlds. Isn't it amazing they all talk about a hell and a heaven. Isn't it strange that they all seek to bestow heavenly values of family, faith, and individualism?
It seems like the Bible and other holy books have been warning us for centuries that there is evil. Call it Satan or other, but it seems like the whole story from Genesis to Revelations represents the natural cycle of humanity. We get a fresh start and we fuck it up. It's not until a Jesus figure is able to help us stop the evil that we truly understand, however, we slip back into sodomy and events in the revelation transpire when there is no Jesus to save us.
Also, back to the history point. So many civilizations have burned their histories. The burning of the Library of Alexandria. Muslim invaders burning books / statues / history. It seems that the darkness is always covering it's behind and making sure that it can always continue to grab a foothold.
Here are a couple of hypotheses to what I think Q has been alluding and what our true history is:
What we have been told about the Catholic Church is a falsehood. At some point in the past 100 years, the Catholic church has been subverted by actors that are seeking to use it's power to drive a billion believers towards a more collectivist future.
What we have been told about the beginnings of the United States is false. Why did people leave England to arrive in the US. What other committments did we make to ensure our independence. Is it really true that a ragtag group of rebels fought off the might of the British Empire? Was there a hidden treaty or compromise that happened that makes us effectively a colony still of the UK?
There seems to be more to the story around WW2 and Hitler that we don't know about. This is the hardest one for me to comprehend – that there is something we are missing here.
Every time I think that this cannot be possible, I think back to how some unbelieveable things have happened. Think of the number of countries and free people that have been subjected under socialism and how something like that could ever take over a country. Think about the crazy cult of women that were secretly running South Korea until they were all exposed. Think about the blatant propaganda being put on air to make normal americans all of a sudden think that transgenderism and letting illegals into the country is OK. We are being brainwashed and lied to. It's incredible and as Q says, bigger than we can imagine.