Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.9157305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7330 >>7331 >>7365 >>7565 >>7839 >>7894 >>7981

Rand Paul Announces He Will Invite Ric Grenell to Testify at Senate Hearing on Flynn Unmasking Next Week


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) announced Wednesday he will invite acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell to testify before a Senate hearing next week on the newly declassified list of Obama officials who requested the unmasking of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army ret.) in late 2016 and early 2017 when Flynn as acting as President-Elect Donald Trump’s national security advisor. The list includes the highest levels of the administration including Obama Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and Vice President Joe Biden.


“Yesterday I wrote to DNI @RichardGrenell requesting the names of those who were involved in Gen Flynn’s unmasking. Today I received the shocking reply that @JoeBiden and many others knew! What did President Obama know? I am inviting DNI Grenell to testify next week in the Senate”


“The Senate must immediately hold hearings on this! Clapper, Comey, Brennan and even Biden owe it to the American people. They should testify under oath. What did the former president know?”


Paul is chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management.


Copy of the letter Paul sent to Grenell and Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday requesting newly the unclassified documents related to the Flynn unmasking.

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.9157321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7359 >>7839 >>7981

Former U.S. Marine Corps Subcontractor Pleads Guilty to Obstruction of Justice

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.9157387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7424

YouTube CEO Admits Users Don't Like Boosting Of "Authoritative" Mainstream Channels, But They Do It Anyway


YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki admits that the company knows its users don’t like the video giant rigging its own algorithm to boost “authoritative” mainstream sources, but that they do it anyway.


For several years now, the company has artificially gamed its own search engine to ensure that independent content creators are buried underneath a wall of mainstream media content.


This rigging is so severe that the company basically broke its own search engine, with some videos posted by independent creators almost impossible to find even if the user searches for the exact title.


The change was made to help struggling mainstream networks who were losing the eyeball war to independent content creators despite their massive financial backing.


In an interview with the New York Times’ “Rabbit Hole” podcast, Wojcicki said the decision to push “authoritative” search results was made after the Nice massacre, but that even after the change, these results were performing poorly in terms of engagement.


“The users don’t wanna actually see it,” YouTube engineers told Wojcicki at the time.


But Wojcicki refused to listen and told them, “It doesn’t matter. We have a responsibility. Something happened in the world and it’s important for our users to know.”


“In the years since Wojcicki made this decision, YouTube has rigged the site heavily in favor of authoritative sources to the point that they’re now 10x more likely to top search results for some news events while YouTubers won’t even get recommended for breaking news,” reports Reclaim the Net.


As we previously highlighted, the company’s disdain for its own user base was also underscored by its Chief Product Officer Neil Mohan insulting non-mainstream YouTube creators as basement-dwelling idiots.


This followed a new policy by the company to remove any content that challenged the World Health Organization’s official coronavirus guidelines, despite the fact that those guidelines have changed numerous times.


Perhaps the reason why YouTube’s users don’t like the company boosting mainstream media channels is because the media is widely distrusted and loathed.


The same thing could eventually happen to YouTube if it continues to stab the independent creators who helped build it in the back.

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.9157434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook deletes Michigan anti-quarantine group with more than 380,000 members — but members won’t stand down


Fighting for their rights


The organizer of Facebook group, Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine, said that Facebook shut down the activism page, which had garnered more than 380,000 members since the COVID-19 outbreak.


What are the details?


Garrett Soldano, organizer of a Michigan anti-quarantine group, said that Facebook shut down the page on Tuesday.


WEYI-TV reported that the group had more than 380,000 members when Facebook pulled the plug on the growing page. According to Fox News, Soldano was moved to start the page in April after Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) expanded the state's mandated stay-at-home order.


After the group took off, Soldano at the time said, "I was like, 'I'm going to reach out to 500 people, hopefully there are 500 people like me.' The solution to this can't outweigh the potential of what can happen if we continue to shut our economy down. The suicides, the stress. All these other things that will happen if we continue to extend this out."


In a Tuesday tweet, Soldano wrote, "They just shut us down. We have a new page. Here's the new one. … Invite invite invite. We will not be shut down! #StandUpMichigan"


Sarah Taylor


The organizer of Facebook group, Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine, said that Facebook shut down the activism page, which had garnered more than 380,000 members since the COVID-19 outbreak.


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What are the details?


Garrett Soldano, organizer of a Michigan anti-quarantine group, said that Facebook shut down the page on Tuesday.


WEYI-TV reported that the group had more than 380,000 members when Facebook pulled the plug on the growing page. According to Fox News, Soldano was moved to start the page in April after Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) expanded the state's mandated stay-at-home order.


After the group took off, Soldano at the time said, "I was like, 'I'm going to reach out to 500 people, hopefully there are 500 people like me.' The solution to this can't outweigh the potential of what can happen if we continue to shut our economy down. The suicides, the stress. All these other things that will happen if we continue to extend this out."


In a Tuesday tweet, Soldano wrote, "They just shut us down. We have a new page. Here's the new one. … Invite invite invite. We will not be shut down! #StandUpMichigan"


The new page, Stand Up Michigan, has amassed more than 38,000 followers at the time of this writing.


On Wednesday, Soldano tweeted, "Bid [sic] day for our movement. Our new page 'Stand Up Michigan' is growing faster than the old one. We will NOT quit on you Michiganders. #StandUpMichigan #controlthecsroll[.]" Stand Up Michigan's "about" section states:


Who We Are: A relational organic movement of We The People of Michigan. Our Vision: Reclaim and defend the rights and liberties of We The People of Michigan. Our Mission: Equip and empower We The People to stand up for sacred values, citizen rights


What else?


Facebook has not issued a statement on why it decided to drop the group off of the social media networking site.


In April, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who appeared on "Good Morning America," said that Facebook is and will continue to monitor pages that are accused of spreading COVID-19 "misinformation."

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.9157469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Allow me to summarize Dr. Fauci’s plan to defeat the virus in America: vaccines. He doesn’t have one yet. He doesn’t know if it’s even possible to create one. He doesn’t know when it will be ready. He doesn’t know if it will be safe. He just knows you gotta have one.


Inject yourself with chemicals. Don’t question authority. Obey. Conform.

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.9157501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7725 >>7839 >>7981

Hundreds of Children Brain Damaged by the Swine Flu Vaccine to Receive $90 Million in Financial Compensation from UK Government


First published in April 2015. The H1N1 vaccine fiasco ordered by the (corrupt) WHO Director General is of relevance to the current debate on a COVID-19 vaccine.




The 2009 swine flu vaccine caused severe brain damage in over 800 children across Europe, and the UK government has now agreed to pay $90 million in compensation to those victims as part of a vaccine injury settlement.


This is the same swine flu vaccine that the entire mainstream media ridiculously insists never causes any harm whatsoever. From the quack science section of the Washington Post to the big pharma sellout pages of the New York Times, every U.S. mainstream media outlet exists in a state of total vaccine injury denialism, pushing toxic vaccines that provably harm children.


“Across Europe, more than 800 children are so far known to have been made ill by the vaccine,” reports the International Business Times.


The vaccine caused narcolepsy and cataplexy in hundreds of children. Both are signs of neurological damage caused by vaccine additives which include mercury, aluminum, MSG, antibiotics and even formaldehyde.


As the IBTimes reports:


Narcolepsy affects a person’s sleeping cycle, leaving them unable to sleep for more than 90 minutes at a time, and causing them to fall unconscious during the day. The condition damages mental function and memory, and can lead to hallucinations and mental illness.


Cataplexy causes a person to lose consciousness when they are experiencing heightened emotion, including when they are laughing.


See the animated educational video here: If car companies operated like vaccine companies.


Children brain damaged in Norway, too


“Norway has seen more than 170 reported cases of children developing narcolepsy after receiving the Pandemrix vaccine,” reports the Global Post. “The government has so far paid $13 million to 86 victims, including 60 children…”

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.9157547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7637 >>8050

$138 Million Government Contract Will Fund Production Of 500 Million Pre-Filled COVID-19 Vaccine “Injection Devices”


Just when you thought that things couldn’t get any stranger, two U.S. government agencies have taken things to an entirely new level. The U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have just put out a press release that is absolutely jaw dropping, but so far hardly anyone is talking about it. According to the press release, a 138 million dollar contract has been awarded to ApiJect Systems America for two projects known as “Project Jumpstart” and “RAPID USA”. Apparently the goal of these projects is to have vast numbers of “injection devices” ready to go once a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available. The following comes directly from the official website of the Department of Defense…


“Today the Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, announce a $138 million contract with ApiJect Systems America for “Project Jumpstart” and “RAPID USA,” which together will dramatically expand U.S. production capability for domestically manufactured, medical-grade injection devices starting by October 2020.


Spearheaded by the DOD’s Joint Acquisition Task Force (JATF), in coordination with the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the contract will support “Jumpstart” to create a U.S.-based, high-speed supply chain for prefilled syringes beginning later this year by using well-established Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) aseptic plastics manufacturing technology, suitable for combatting COVID-19 when a safe and proven vaccine becomes available.


Today, there are about 328 million people living in the United States. But the press release states that the plan is to produce “over 500 million prefilled syringes” in 2021…


The contract also enables ApiJect Systems America to accelerate the launch of RAPID USA manufactured in new and permanent U.S.-based BFS facilities with the ultimate production goal of over 500 million prefilled syringes (doses) in 2021. This effort will be executed initially in Connecticut, South Carolina and Illinois, with potential expansion to other U.S.-based locations. RAPID will provide increased lifesaving capability against future national health emergencies that require population-scale vaccine administration on an urgent basis.


So that would be enough “injection devices” to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the entire country one and a half times.



Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.9157582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7652

Stocks Tumble As Tepper Says Market "Most Overvalued Since The Bubble Of 1999"


On a day when the market commentary of "big rich guy" investors has earned a public rebuke from the president himself, we suspect more than the usual number of viewers tuned in to hear David Tepper, the founder of hedge fund Appaloosa Management and owner of the Carolina Panthers, during a noontime interview on CNBC Wednesday.


Offering a wary market outlook, Tepper said that while he suspects the bottom might already be in, there are simply too many areas in this market that are way too overvalued, and the legendary trader predicted more chaotic trading ahead. And speaking specifically about the Nasdaq, which has been on a surprising tear as just a handful of tech stocks carry the entire market, Tepper said the overvaluations were some of the worst he's seen since 1999, the heyday of the dotcom bubble.


Tepper even acknowledged that many of the tech stocks which he still holds - stocks with arguably the best earnings prospects post-crisis - are "fully valued".


Stocks tumbled on Tepper's comments as traders ignored the president's advice to ignore rich Wall Street traders.

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.9157645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WHO Says Its Director-General Has No Mandate To Include Taiwan At Assembly


On Monday, the World Health Organization’s leading attorney stated that WHO’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has “no mandate” to invite Taiwan to participate in its World Health Assembly (WHA) next week. WHO principal legal officer Steven Solomon said member states have to make the decision, and their opinions were “divergent.”

The Hill reported that Solomon stated at a briefing with reporters, “To put it crisply, director-generals only extend invitations when it’s clear that member states support doing so, that director-generals have a mandate, a basis to do so. Today however, the situation is not the same. Instead of clear support there are divergent views among member states and no basis there for — no mandate for the DG to extend an invitation.”

Solomon acknowledged a proposal had been made “to the assembly itself to make a decision on an invitation … That is procedurally how it is supposed to work under the Constitution. All 194 Member States can consider the issue collectively, in accordance with the rules of procedure. Success depends on political will and political engagement, which underscores the point that this is a political issue that is properly in the hands of Member States,” Health Policy Watch reported.

Yahoo News reported, “China berated New Zealand on Monday for its support for Taiwan’s participation at the WHO, saying the country should ‘stop making wrong statements’ on the issue to avoid damaging bilateral ties.”

On May 6, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Taiwan should be allowed to participate at the WHA, adding that Ghebreyesus had the power to invite them. He asserted, “I also call upon WHO Director-General Tedros to invite Taiwan to observe this month’s WHA, as he has the power to do, and as his predecessors have done on multiple occasions.”

“On the same day, a proposal for a vote on the issue by member states at the upcoming Assembly was submitted to WHO by the Central American country of Belize. A swelling list of other sponsors have now formally added their names to the call, including the central American countries of Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Paraguay; the Caribbean islands of Haiti, St. Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis; Eswatini in southern Africa; and the Pacific small island states of The Marshall Islands, Palau, Republic of Nauru, and Tuvalu,” Health Policy Watch noted.

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.9157665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

San Francisco Sued By UC Law School Over Rampant Drug-Dealing, Feces-Filled Streets


The drug-dealing and feces inundating the streets of one neighborhood in San Francisco have become so ubiquitous that the University of California Hastings College of the Law, joined by local business owners and residents, is suing the city to clean the mess up.

The lawsuit states:


Even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the de facto policy of the City and County of San Francisco to use the Tenderloin community as a containment zone had resulted in a dramatic decline in the livability and safety of the neighborhood. The deplorable conditions tolerated by the City in the Tenderloin are not permitted in other neighborhoods in San Francisco. This is a matter of fundamental fairness; what is a city-wide problem should not be allowed to weigh disproportionately on a low-income working- class neighborhood. San Francisco should be prohibited from abandoning a single neighborhood, in an apparent effort to spare other neighborhoods the burdens that confront the city at-large.

Open-air drug sales and other criminal activity, plus crowds of drug users and sidewalk-blocking tents, pervade and threaten the health and lives of all of the Tenderloin’s residents. What has long been suffered in the Tenderloin has become insufferable.


UC Hastings Chancellor David Faigman told CNN, “We are suing because our neighborhood has become a pandemic containment zone. Tents are blocking streets, tents are blocking doorways, there are needles in the streets, there’s open-air drug dealing … We need the tents to be removed and we need the drug dealers to be stopped. Leaving them on the streets is no solution.”

“The number of tents and makeshift homeless shelters in the 50-block section that more than 20,000 permanent residents call home has more than doubled from 158 in early March to 391 as of May 1, according to a survey cited in the lawsuit,” The New York Post reported.

Last week, San Francisco mayor London N. Breed released the Tenderloin Neighborhood Safety Assessment and Plan for COVID-19, which stated:


The Plan has eight main goals:


Address encampments by offering safe sleeping alternatives to unsheltered individuals.

Facilitate social distancing compliance by closing streets and parking.

Ensure that housed residents in the Tenderloin have safe passage and access to their homes and businesses.

Improve access to hygiene station, restrooms and garbage disposal for unhoused individuals.

Address food and water insecurity for housed and unhoused residents alike.

Increase police presence in the neighborhood to focus on public safety concerns.

Increase health services in the neighborhood.

Increased education and outreach to residents and businesses through a ‘care ambassador’ program.

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.9157717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hungary: Man questioned by police for spreading Wuhan virus conspiracy theory


A man in Hungary was briefly detained and questioned by the police yesterday in connection with a social media post he had made promoting a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) conspiracy theory.


The 64-year-old man, called András in media reports, had made a Facebook post on April 28 in which he suggested that Viktor Orbán’s government had purposefully chosen to begin loosening the lockdown restrictions in the country at the same time that the outbreak was expected to peak there, in an effort to cause mass infections.


Police went to András’ home near Szerencs, Borsod county in northeastern Hungary yesterday morning with a search warrant and took him into custody, according to a report by Hungary’s 444 news portal.


One of the provisions of the country’s emergency Coronavirus Protection Law, which was passed in March, is that it is illegal to disseminate disinformation about the pandemic that may hinder the government’s efforts to combat it, or that could be considered as fearmongering.


András’ post was addressed to “our dear dictator, our dear leader” without mentioning anyone by name, asking him not to relax the lockdown measures, claiming that it would lead to the deaths of thousands. He ended the post by writing, “You are a cruel tyrant, but remember, all dictators have failed so far.” Police asked him about whom he had been addressing.


András claimed that he was not guilty of fearmongering as his post had been philosophical, and not something that he had claimed was factual.


After questioning András, he was released yesterday afternoon. Police informed him that he would not be charged as he had not committed any crime.


In their public report on the incident, the police noted that they are monitoring the Internet for objectionable content, stressing that “malicious or ill-considered” posts could be considered a criminal offence.


Hungary’s Coronavirus Protection Law has been highly controversial internationally, with prominent figures within the European Union claiming that is undemocratic. Hungary has denied the accusation and says that their measures are completely consistent with EU standards. The European Parliament held a debate on Hungary’s law today, but refused to allow the country’s Minister of Justice, Judit Varga, to attend the session in order to offer a defence, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.9157733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7763

George Soros predicts that pandemic could mean end of the EU


Infamous billionaire and philanthropist of Left-wing causes George Soros believes that the global crisis sparked by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could very well spell the end for the European Union.


Soros made the remarks in an interview he gave to the British newspaper The Independent on Monday. “I am particularly concerned about the survival of the EU because it is an incomplete union,” he said. “It was in the process of being created. But the process was never completed and that makes Europe exceptionally vulnerable — more vulnerable than the US not just because it is an incomplete union but also because it is based on the rule of law.”


Soros added that “the wheels of justice move very slowly, while threats such as the Covid-19 virus move very fast. That creates a particular problem for the European Union.”


The Independent also asked Soros about his opinion regarding the German constitutional court’s ruling last week. The ruling found that the European Central Bank’s (ECB) purchase of German government bonds are unconstitutional. This could present a problem for the ECB’s effort to make loans available for Eurozone countries that have been hit especially hard by the pandemic — Italy and Spain in particular.


“The ruling poses a threat that could destroy the European Union as an institution based on the rule of law, precisely because it was delivered by the German constitutional court, which is the most highly respected institution in Germany,” Soros said. “Before it delivered its verdict, it had consulted with the European Court of Justice and then decided to challenge it. So you now have a conflict between the German Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice. Which court has precedence?”


If the German court can overrule judgments by the European Court of Justice, Soros said, that would open the door for any member state to decide whether they want to follow European law or their own law in specific situations.


“That question goes to the very heart of the EU, which is built on the rule of law,” Soros said. “Poland has immediately risen to the occasion and asserted the supremacy of its government-controlled courts over European law. In Hungary, Viktor Orban has already used the COVID-19 emergency and a captured parliament to appoint himself dictator. The parliament is kept in session to rubber-stamp his decrees, which clearly violate European law. If the German court’s verdict prevents the EU from resisting these developments, it will be the end of the EU as we know it.”


“This is the crisis of my lifetime,” Soros opined. “Even before the pandemic hit, I realised that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary. And then came COVID-19, which has totally disrupted people’s lives and required very different behaviour.”


“It is an unprecedented event that probably has never occurred in this combination. And it really endangers the survival of our civilisation.”


Similar to the views he expressed in the interview, Soros’ own NGO, the Open Society Foundations, has been particularly keen to attack the Hungarian government over its Wuhan coronavirus emergency legislation for allegedly being undemocratic, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.

Anonymous ID: 48bf32 May 13, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.9157786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former CBS Reporter Rips Media: ‘Unfortunate That We Cannot Rely On’ ‘Journalists To Take Honest Look At The Evidence’


Emmy Award-winning journalist Lara Logan, the former chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News and a correspondent for “60 Minutes,” ripped the mainstream media Monday for their unreliable coverage, in apparent reference to reporting on Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and Russian/Trump conspiracy peddling.

“At a moment like this, it is unfortunate that we cannot rely on media organizations and journalists to take an honest look at the evidence — and do the right thing,” Logan wrote on Twitter Monday night. “No one has to take anyone‘s word anymore — all you have to do is read the notes, documents, reports & transcripts.”


Four minutes before the tweet, Logan, who now hosts “No Agenda” on Fox News’ Fox Nation, posted a story from The Daily Wire regarding former South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy calling out the media for “peddling” Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff’s Trump-Russia conspiracy claims, which were ultimately found to have no substantive evidence by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

“You talk about the media having culpability as well,” Fox host Maria Bartiromo said to Gowdy Sunday morning. “Name some names of those reporters out there, those media institutions that helped Adam Schiff peddle this ‘in plain sight collusion’ nonsense that he said for three years.”

“Well, I hope you have a three-hour show. Let’s just start with Politico and anyone not named Rachael Bade — she was the only reporter that I dealt with that was fair,” Gowdy responded, adding, “[Politico’s] Kyle Cheney is just an acolyte for Adam Schiff, Manu Raju from CNN. Nothing Schiff wanted out, made public, no leak was too low for Manu Raju and CNN. … Fill in the blank at The New York Times.”