Anonymous ID: 490d4c May 13, 2020, 1:53 p.m. No.9158252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Repost of an old Jamie Raskin Digg:


Jamie 'Needle-Dick the Bug Fucker' Raskin from the impeachment 'hearings'. Turns out his father, Marcus Raskin, was one of the founders of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) named as one of the "big three" in a document cited earlier today (PB) >>8620762 (PB). Original document date is 1991 and the author, John Coleman, alleges a direct tie between the IPS, the British Round Table and Tavistock.


"The objectives of IPS came from an agenda laid down for it by the British Round Table,

which agenda in turn came from Travistock Institute, one of the most notable being to

create the "New Left" as a grass roots movement in the U.S. '''IPS was to engender strife

and unrest and spread chaos like a wildfire out of control, proliferate the "ideals" of left

wing nihilistic socialism, support unrestricted use of drugs of all types, and be the "big

stick" with which to beat the United States political establishment.'''

Then in 1978, fifty-six Congressmen signed their names to sponsor an IPS budget study.

This was prepared by Marcus Raskin. Raskin's budget called for a fifty percent cut in the

Defense Budget, a socialist housing program "that would compete with and steadily

replace private housing and mortgage markets," a national health service, "radical

changes in the educational system that would disrupt capitalist control over the

distribution of knowledge," and several other very radical Socialist ideas.

The influence of IPS on Arms Control negotiations was a major factor in getting Nixon to

sign the treasonous ABM Treaty in 1972, which left the United States virtually

defenseless against ICBM attack for almost 10 years. IPS became, and remains to this

day one of the most prestigious "think tanks" controlling foreign policy decisions, which

we, the people, foolishly believe are those of our law makers."


John Coleman in the CIA reading room:

Marcus Raskin Wiki: