Anonymous ID: c8b549 May 13, 2020, 1:57 p.m. No.9158317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8560 >>8629

Hey Anons,


Not a Normie. Lurker & occasionally jump in the bread, but so much technical & legal info flying around. I put together an outline to absorb from a high level.


Does this sound accurate?






Goal: Remove POTUS admin from power

Strategy: Identify or manufacture "crimes" of Admin and/or POTUS or family to force jail and/or resignations


Requirement 1: Must be "overt" (public) to be fueled by MSM "fire power"

Requirement 2: Must initiate through "legal" system to stand up in court and avoid White Hats going "hot" in covert action.

Requirement 3: Initial reason for investigation is irrelevant. Mission = Get in and we'll find/create "dirt".


Tactic Step 1: Create pretense for "investigation" to give "powers" to attack/investigate

Underlying factors: 1. Dossier (Russia/fake). 2. Page (Russia/fake) 3. Papadopoulos (Russia/fake)


Tactic Step 2: Listen to Comms of all "targets" to obtain actionable "ammunition" (as per Requirement 3 above)

Underlying targets: 1. FLYNN 2. Everyone connected to POTUS & POTUS Family


Tactic Step 3: "Interview" targets under "Russia" pretense in order to "catch in a lie/trap". If no lie exists, create one w/fraudulent 302 and force resignation/jail, etc.

RINSE/REPEAT, RINSE/REPEAT, RINSE/REPEAT until attrition of POTUS forces and/or POTUS.


WHITE HAT COUNTER ATTACK (That derailed the above mission):


Counter 1: NSA - Had all Comms (everything). The REAL DIRT.

Counter 2: Take down of Snow White and her 7 dwarfs. Cabal goes blind

Counter 3: "Real dirt" on Cabal "soldiers" forced resignations/off battlefield out of fight (ie: FBI top brass, Mueller, etc, etc, etc)

Counter 4: "Real dirt" on Foreigh assets/leaders forced resignations and/or naturalized foreign threats (ie: UK, EU, 5 Eyes, etc, etc, etc)

Counter 5: Q Raising up "Digital Army" to counter MSM "firepower"

Counter 6: Looking Glass. Battlefield "insight" (ie: tactical edge. Know before they go.)

Counter 7: POTUS being utterly Awesome

Counter 8: GOD & Armor of God & Prayers of People


Sound right?