These unmaskings are "derived from NSA/CSSM"
How did Q know this information was there?
Lets take a reminder who stands beside Q:
The CSS was established by presidential directive in 1972 to promote full partnership between NSA and the Service Cryptologic Components of the U.S. Armed Forces. This new command created a more unified cryptologic effort by combining NSA and CSS. The Director of NSA is dual-hatted as the Chief of CSS.
The principal advisor to Director, NSA/Chief CSS on military cryptologic issues is the Deputy Chief/CSS (DCH/CSS). The DCH/CSS oversees the function of the military cryptology system, manages and cultivates the partnerships between NSA/CSS and the Service Cryptologic Elements, and ensures military capabilities to fulfill the National Cryptologic Strategy.
Today, the emblem displays all five Service Cryptologic Components, which are comprised of the United States Fleet Cyber Command, the United States Marine Corps Director of Intelligence, the United States Army's Intelligence and Security Command, the 25th Air Force, and the US Coast Guard Deputy Assistant Commandant for Intelligence. Each are equally balanced around a five point star on which is centered the symbol of NSA/CSS, who provides the funding, direction, and guidance to all of America's SIGINT activities.
'JOINT - The future of intelligence? You bet!'
(Page 10[PDF], Page 8[Hard Print])
"Picture this: A room full of analysts representing practically every Intellegence element located anywhere in the Washington area and beyond; folks from NSA, DIA, AlA, AFIA, NOrc, NPIC, ITAC, SRD, ESC but none from CIA or KAOS. Uniforms from the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force, all side by side with civilians mixed among them."
AFIA - Air Force Intelligence Agency
AIA - Army Intelligence Agency
DIA - Defence Intellegence Agency
ESC - Electronic Systems Center
ITAC - Intelligence Threat Analysis Center
NOIC - Naval Operational Intelligence Center
NPIC - National Photographic Interpretation Center
NSA - National Security Agency
SRD - Services Reconnaissance Department
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