Anonymous ID: bb7524 May 13, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.9159395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden's Rapid Response Director Goes Ballistic on Catherine Herridge For Releasing Names of People Who Unmasked Flynn, Including JOE BIDEN


Joe Biden’s camp is rushing to do some damage control after it was revealed on Wednesday that Biden sought to unmask General Flynn on January 12, 2017 — the same day David Ignatius published his WaPo article about Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Last week Acting DNI Richard Grenell declassified the list of Obama officials involved in the unmasking of General Mike Flynn in his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.


CBS reporter Catherine Herridge on Wednesday obtained the list of Obama operatives who unmasked General Flynn and released it to the public.


Names included former VP JOE BIDEN, former CIA Director John Brennan, Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, former FBI Director James Comey, former DNI chief James Clapper and others.

Joe Biden’s rapid response director Andrew Bates went ballistic on CBS reporter Catherine Herridge for releasing the list of names who targeted Flynn.


ANDREW BATES: SCOOP: Catherine Herridge is a partisan, rightwing hack who is a regular conduit for conservative media manipulation ploys because she agrees to publicize things before contacting the target to ask for comment.


SCOOP: Catherine Herridge is a partisan, rightwing hack who is a regular conduit for conservative media manipulation ploys because she agrees to publicize things before contacting the target to ask for comment.


— Andrew Bates (@AndrewBatesNC) May 13, 2020


Biden on Tuesday morning claimed he knew “nothing” about the plot to target General Flynn during his appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”


Now we find out Biden sought to unmask Flynn 7 days after his January 5, 2017 secret Oval Office meeting discussing General Flynn’s phone calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak with Obama, Yates, Comey, Rice and Brennan.

Anonymous ID: bb7524 May 13, 2020, 3 p.m. No.9159497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9529

TRUMP: Biden "was a big unmasker"


"It's one of the very big stories & I suspect, if it's possible, even bigger stories coming out."