Anonymous ID: 0d153e May 13, 2020, 3:27 p.m. No.9159903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9946


David Tepper (billionaire hedge fund fuck) was on CNBC this morning saying that as soon as reliable testing is here, everyone will need to be tested and download an app that can show they were tested in the morning in order to go in a restaurant. He says testing and then a vaccine.

This obsession with testing for a common cold virus is bullshit. They are after something more.

Trump has been touting the testing, testing, testing and vaccine plan. Meeting with governors today and continuing this nonsense. They are not getting off this path. No one in government or health care can come out and admit that they have been KNOWINGLY harming people. Trump would look lilke a chump if he said he was just following Fauci. Don't think this is going to end well for freedom loving people.