Anonymous ID: 9e0d61 May 13, 2020, 4:56 p.m. No.9161330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1353 >>1376 >>1405 >>1483 >>1740 >>1771 >>1863

DEEP STATE FIGHTS BACK! Judge Sullivan Appoints Retired Judge to Argue Against Government’s Motion to Dismiss Case Against Flynn – Wants to Hold Flynn in Contempt!



Judge Sullivan appoints Retired Judge to Fight Back Against Trump DOJ and Attorney General William Barr!


As we reported last night–

There are rumblings that former members of his FBI (e.g. FBI General Counsel James Baker) have flipped and are working with Durham.

Obama’s Deep State henchmen who set up General Flynn and the crooked politicians and media hacks who supported them are terrified.


More information on Obamagate is expected to drop in the coming days.


An audio of former President Barack Obama, whose Administration spied on the Trump team and Administration, was released by deep state reporter Michael Isikoff at Yahoo News on Friday night.


In the “call” which appears totally set up, Obama says he is concerned about “the rule of law.”

Obama also accused Flynn of committing “perjury”!


Apparently, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan took this call to heart.


On Tuesday the Clinton-appointed judge made a dirty, political move to delay justice for General Mike Flynn.


The Justice Department dropped its case against General Mike Flynn last Thursday after bombshell documents released proved he was framed by Comey’s FBI.


But Judge Sullivan extended the case by soliciting amicus briefs to allow for public comment on Flynn’s criminal case.


And now this…


Judge Sullivan today appointed retired judge John Gleeson to argue against the government’s motion to dismiss the charge against Flynn!

This is unheard of!


First the attorneys for the Mueller team withheld Brady evidence from General Flynn for over a year and now this crooked judge won’t acquit!


Also Sullivan asked the retired judge to look at whether Flynn could be held in criminal contempt for perjury.

**** This is exactly what Obama said — even though Flynn DID NOT commit perjury!

Anonymous ID: 9e0d61 May 13, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.9161369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1411 >>1483 >>1771 >>1863

CNN downplays Michael Flynn 'unmasking' bombshell after years of wall-to-wall Russia-Trump coverage


After breathlessly covering the Trump-Russia collusion theory for years, CNN tried to skip past Wednesday’s breaking news about Michael Flynn related to the since-debunked narrative – but critics say that's par for the course.


Top Obama administration officials including ex-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who is now a CNN analyst, and others working with then-Vice President Joe Biden purportedly requested to "unmask" the identity of the former national security adviser during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names made public by Republican senators on Wednesday. The DOJ had been reviewing the unmasking of U.S. officials as part of its broader examination of the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.


CNN host Jake Tapper didn't even mention it in the Wednesday’s edition of his show “The Lead,” which began shortly after the news broke. The story wasn't mentioned on the cable news channel, or on its website, within the first three hours after the bombshell story hit.


When CNN finally covered the story they downplayed it, saying Clapper and other Obama-era officials handled it correctly. “Politics plays a huge role in why this is now a story,” senior justice correspondent Evan Perez told viewers.



Anonymous ID: 9e0d61 May 13, 2020, 5 p.m. No.9161385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1397 >>1483 >>1771 >>1863

US Fighter Pilot Association Reveals ‘Astonishing’ Rate of Cancer Diagnoses


After the identification of hundreds of members with various cancer diagnoses, the Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association plans to take the data to Washington and advocate for mandated research examining the link between aviation service and cancer.


A seven-question form was issued to the 3,400 members of the Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association, or “River Rats,” last fall, asking the question: "Have you ever been diagnosed with cancer?"


The survey, exclusively shared with McClatchy and published on May 12, saw 500 association members - or 56% of the 894 respondents - answer, “Yes, I am disclosing a personal cancer.”


“That was astonishing. I was not prepared for that," retired US Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle pilot Col. Vince "Aztec" Alcazar revealed in an interview with McClatchy.


He went on to highlight that "13% of them disclosed multiple cancers.”


Alcazar, who is a member of River Rats’ medical issues committee, identified melanoma, a type of skin cancer, as the most common cancer among members who responded to the survey; prostate cancer ranked second in the running.


Unfortunately, the survey was not able to examine how many former members had died of cancer, McClatchy’s Tara Copp stated.


Since obtaining this data, the association now seeks to take the information to Congress and demand a more comprehensive study be carried out by the Pentagon and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to examine the possible link between aviation and cancer and better advise potential military pilots of the associated risks.


"Now I've got a narrative to take to lawmakers on Capitol Hill," Alcazar explained, noting that rather than the usual “four or five or 10 or 20 or 100 emails” on the subject matter, this request will be coming from “a large organization that took the time to do a well thought-out survey. And the results say, 'It's worth a look, folks.'"


A related study was proposed when recently-elected Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA), a US Navy veteran whose district contains several naval bases, introduced the Military Pilot Cancer Incidence Study Act to the US House of Representatives on February 12 alongside Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL).


The bipartisan bill seeks to build on anecdotal evidence of elevated cancer risk among military pilots and communicate the findings, so that the Pentagon and the VA “understand the scope of the problem, identify service-connected illnesses, and address them appropriately,” according to Luria.

Anonymous ID: 9e0d61 May 13, 2020, 5 p.m. No.9161402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1445 >>1483 >>1771 >>1863

Justice Department Sues Atlanta-Based Property Owners and Management Company for Housing Discrimination Against African Americans

Anonymous ID: 9e0d61 May 13, 2020, 5:18 p.m. No.9161690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1771 >>1863

992 Billion Reasons Why The Fed Needs Another Market Crash In The Next Few Weeks


Speaking in a video conference organized by the Peterson Institute, turbo money printer Jerome Powell today reassured the market that negative rates are not something the Fed - which expanded its balance sheet by $2.6 trillion in the past two months - is contemplating now. Of course, that will change after the next market crash or if economic shutdowns return, but for now the Fed's message to traders was clear: don't push forward fed fund rates negative, which also catalyzed today's sharp market drop as a key source of potential forced easing was removed.


However, with Powell taking negative rates off the table (for now), it means the Fed has another problem on its hands, one which was first laid out by Deutsche Bank's credit strategist Stuart Sparks, who in a recent note said that "for all the measures taken by the Fed and fiscal authorities to counter the COVID19 shock, policy remains too tight." And, as Sparks adds, if the Fed opts to avoid negative policy rates - which appears to be the case - "further easing must be provided by the size and composition of the Fed’s balance sheet", meaning more QE.


How much more QE? Well, with short-dated market real yields positive, Deutsche Bank estimates that r*, or the neutral rate of interest, has fallen to around -1%, "suggesting additional accommodation required for policy to be “easy” could be more than 100 bp in terms of “policy rate equivalent."

Anonymous ID: 9e0d61 May 13, 2020, 5:20 p.m. No.9161719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1758 >>1771 >>1863

Samantha Power Caught Lying Under Oath, Testified She Had ‘No Recollection’ of Making Unmasking Request Related to General Flynn


Former US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power lied under oath to Congress about unmasking General Flynn.


CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge on Wednesday obtained the list of Obama operatives who unmasked General Flynn and released it to the public.


Names included former VP Joe Biden, former CIA Director John Brennan, Samantha Power, former DNI chief James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey and others.


According to the new documents released, Samantha Power sought to unmask General Flynn SEVEN TIMES.


Power’s first request was dated November 30, 2016 and her last unmasking request related to Flynn was dated January 11, 2017.