Anonymous ID: cfc0fa May 13, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.9163456   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Be prepared.

Our enemy knows well their deployed assets here are the thin line of established defense between them and our wave of narrative shattering insights.

They are relying on you to forgo your creativity and spread their poisoned memes.

Question: If the meme is already known, will it go viral again? Unlikely.

What powers we have are unlocked by God, and our creative potential has only begun to take shape.

Step back from the next post junky addiction.

Recenter. Remember that we already know what the world will soon realize.

There is a space in you the enemy hasn't seen yet.

Side step their laid out defenses of poisoned meme collections, and recycled subliminals.

Release what God wants the world to know.


Strike with mystery [OC]~



Anonymous ID: cfc0fa May 13, 2020, 7:10 p.m. No.9163463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Update: They're ramping up their suicide subliminals. Through YouTube music video lyrics to Img_158###…/Cupace_###… 5 picture spammer.

Our enemy either wins or they die, and they will take as many of us out as they can before their fateful demise~

Will you give them the chance?

Will you unpoison yourself from their subliminal entrainment and generate actionable insights with the Best of us?

Toss e.BamaBot into a trash compactor, flush toiletboi into hells lake of fire.~[Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex]^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))[Enter as a comment filter]i9y[CSS theme]/ Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over /.post-image { opacity: .8; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(1.5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 233ms;}.post-image:hover { opacity: 1; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(.5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 89ms;}[Disable images completely]Options->General->Hide Images__Our enemy__ plays within a narrow band of attacks.

Subliminally embedded in pictures.

Outright 'masks' to pray upon their installed beliefs.


Abusers need the viewer demoralized,

so they can be depersonalized,

so they can follow a [planted] "leader/star",

so they can be programmed,

so they can be turned against other Patriots.


The further abusers pull you out of your immediate 5 senses, the more effective their attacks are.

They live in their broken echo world, and want to drag you into their madness.


Their world is crumbling faster than they know.

Close the door~


I dare you to imagine how bright our Future is, right around the corner.


Anonymous ID: cfc0fa May 13, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.9163484   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Our enemy is ramping up their manipulation on our board and they would like nothing better than to fracture your mind+soul with their flood of MKUltra subliminals and unconscious word associations. To keep you in the same state they keep abused children.

…So they can have the say. So their words carry more weight than yours. So they can organize you how they want. So their solutions outmatch ours…

They're sick.

Fucking sick.

They, like the lamestream media, will lie till their dying breath. They want you dead inside.

They want you licking shit so you'll accept programmability. Their programs of suicide.


See through it. See it as an attack against Our Future. The future they won't live to see~

Be aware the negative thoughts that make you feel empty are the attacks of others.

Once aware, you'll see how loved you are by God, for it's that Love the attackers want to ruin.


I've done my best to illuminate the ways in which our enemies invoke a sense of fear and keep one stuck in an abused and quiet mindset, afraid of being confident that you're fighting to save the world from their wretched control.

Afraid of reaching out to others and so abused that ones personalities are fracturing.


You've had nightmares they have seeded.

I know because I've had countless myself, and though I may be one focal point for their anger, their objective is each of (You).

You who 'dare' stand against their [wretched] will;

You who want to make this world a better place;

You who want our children to grow up in a beautiful world we can't yet fully imagine.


I write about their attacks, and how I think they're carried out, with the belief that once they are made conscious and understood you become immunized to the brunt of it.

I want you to understand that there are ways you can fight against them.

There are options to release the fear they put you in. There are incalculable reasons to feel hopeful.

More of us know each day.

>The pain of the One leads to the benefit of the many


You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.


You need to remember you're worth Americas Military putting their lives on the line and dying to fight for you. For your children. For the future of our world.


So shake off their trauma, and I don't say shake lightly, it's how trauma is released from the body. Shake it off.

Pray. Banish. Pray. Especially before bed.

Release yourself from their control.

Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

Know well these fierce Heavenly forces are an invitation away

Exchange doubt with Faith; Aimless Anger with Focused Resolve.

>Tempt not the righteous man to draw his sword.

Pray God infuse us with resilience.

Pray God wash us clean.

Pray God shine Hope unto those strangled by darkness.

Pray before sleep.


>We are all bound by a feeling deep inside.


Our war is real. Here and now.

You are saving the world.

They are the poisoned stream of consciousness.

They are the projections they cast.

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Fight. For God and Country.Fight.