Anonymous ID: e452c2 May 13, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.9163475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3515

As to the "insurance" that the unmasking would not be detected by the incoming Trump Administration.

They had Dan Coats in place.

[C] before [D] was always [Coats] before [DECLAS]

The man in charge of declassification review, and therefore, of declassification.

The man who could hold off while the other plays were in motion; the Mueller dossier, the obstruction/collusion narrative, the Ukrainian "abuse of power", etc.

Coats is Gone.

Ric Grenell is burning down their temple.

Anonymous ID: e452c2 May 13, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.9163487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

May 7, 2020: "Prosecutors of Watergate" file motion to be allowed to file friend of the court briefs in the Flynn case.

There is no Flynn case. There is no controversy between the parties. The State moved to dismiss the charges, and the Defendant agreed with the dismissal of the charges. The court has zero jurisdiction.

May 10, 2020: Hussein conversation "leaked" saying Flynn cannot get off "scot free" with "perjury".

May 12, 2020: Swamp Judge Emmet Sullivan orders that amici briefs can be filed in a case that is already over, a case he has no jurisdiction over.

Reason: Going forward, the Swamp will malign the General every single time he says something in public, or testifies, that he "plead guilty to lying to the FBI, twice" and "is a convicted perjurer".

They always kill the messenger when the message, the truth, is against them.


A convicted perjurer's testimony means nothing in a court of law.