>Gee, who do you trust more with the health of your children?
Rigged poll
There's no hot babysitter choice.
I see your Olga, and raise you a horny spaceship mechanic.
Seeing Hussein go down will be beautiful, but watching clown journalists get perp walked out of a press briefing would be epic.
>what is the difference between real and fake tonic water? where would I get real tonic if not at the grocery store?
Grocery store tonic water has almost no quinine, and tons of corn syrup.
It's illegal to sell the strong stuff, so you'd have to make it yourself.
>Not a real 'luxurious' spa experience for a $200 facial with a mask on. Nor a $150 haircut when I have to go thru 30 steps to get in
Anon's wife cuts his hair. You should post tit pics and then do the same for your husband.