Anonymous ID: 02fbcd May 14, 2020, 12:08 a.m. No.9166280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6281 >>6327 >>6380 >>6411

Nancy ‘Antoinette’ Pelosi Supports Liberal Lockdown Lunacy for 3 MORE Months: ‘Yes, It’s Inconvenient’


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that “of course” she supports Los Angeles County extending stay-at-home orders for three more months in an effort to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.


“Well, of course, I agree with the decisions of the people on the ground in their particular venue and location,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”


“Because again, as Dr. Fauci said earlier, and I wish the president would listen to him, or hear him even, that you cannot pretend it went away and go out there,” she continued. “So, yes, it’s inconvenient, but it’s even more inconvenient if you’re going to be infected or worse. Or if you’re going to go out to work and bring something home to your family. I think that’s the biggest fear that all of us have is what does it mean to the children and family members.”


Mrs. Pelosi was responding to the news that Los Angeles County will extend its stay-at-home orders for the next three months, though restrictions would be gradually relaxed under a five-step plan.


“We’re not moving past COVID-19, we’re learning to live with it — and we will keep taking measured steps toward a new, safer reality in the days and weeks ahead,” L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a statement Tuesday.