Anonymous ID: 51a00f May 13, 2020, 11:16 p.m. No.9166045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Re: [D5] marker & Q4229


OTD, Nov 7, 2000 for NY U.S. Senate,

Hillary Rodham Clinton, then First Lady of the U.S. & the 1st First Lady to run for political office, defeated U.S. Rep Rick Lazio (replacing JFKJr?)

winning 55.3% of Votes.

Oddly, 5 5 3 ==>13!

Q CONF [D5] on the 13th.


White Hats knew, & planned a perfect response marker?

Bcuz also OTD, 11/07/2015,

the USS Kentucky


launched a Trident II [D5] missile off San Diego, CA.

SSBN-737 >17!

Watch NY.

Watch CA.


Gets weirder, Coincidentally.

11 + 7 = 18! …as does

5 + 13 = 18! …Q's [D5] CONF day!!


Military planning at its finest??

Q520 & Q577 =PLANNED for [3] years,… so the Trident II [D5] fits the window.