Anonymous ID: 94a23b May 13, 2020, 10:40 p.m. No.9165789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5807

So grateful to Code Monkey and Mr. Watkins for giving us 8kun and working so hard on updates. Thanks to them, in part, traitors will hang, but not from sneks, and they won't be smiling.

Anonymous ID: 94a23b May 13, 2020, 11:15 p.m. No.9166033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6043



The media has been thoroughly corrupted. I wish my eyelids were not so droppy, cuz I gotta get some sleep. I wish I were awake enough to find my David Burke research and post but I'm phonefagging under the covers and ready to crash.


But Anon, I researched the destruction of television news and I'm convinced that a lot of what's destroying the news now was implemented, in the 70s and 80s, by a likely CLOWN named David W. Burke of Brookline, Massachusetts.


Burke died a few years ago and the New York Toilet Paper Times published a glowing obituary, calling Burke a "trusted aide to powerful men."


The obituary omitted the fact that Burke worked for all 3 Kennedy Brothers when "tragedy" befell each one. Burke was a "trusted aide" and then poof the Kennedy for whom Burke worked was killed, and then Burke moved on to the next Kennedy brother until Jack, Bobby, and Ted were permanently fucked.


A regular, Colonel Mustard in the Living Room With a Candlestick , that one.


After Burke worked in close proximity yto all 3 Kennedy Brothers as "tragedy" struck, Burke moved into a career in Television news for most of the remainder of his career.


Burke was a Tufts University alum, and I found some ofthis info in the Tufts publications, online.


Burke has 5 kids, including a libtard, Ttump-hating son on Twatter named @OwenBurke – a total asshole who works in Hollywood as a "comedy" writer. Clowning, in my opinion.


I think Burke is worthy of more digs. I will be back when I'm awake. . .

Anonymous ID: 94a23b May 13, 2020, 11:34 p.m. No.9166126   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm appreciative, Anon. Thank you. I used to he a library, myself, until the early 2000s. Got my first gun, left the Dems, and never looked back. But I didn't really get a genuine red pill until 2015, and by the time the Podesta emails were released I was I was awake.


I knew of Burke from the libtard life I used to live. I've even been at social gatherings with him, bsck in the day. I wish i coyld say more. . . .


But I can tell you he was a smug and arrogant prick. He gave off a CLOWN vibe like Strzok gives off, so maybe it's just a "Deep State" vibe.


After I left the Dems I got bitter, very bitter, about Chappaquiddick. But my redpilling changed my outlook.


I believe Ted was meant to die that night, in hindsight. The recent JFK documentary shares that view.


Since the one constant in all 3 tragedies was David Burke, in the Living Room With a Candlestick, AND since after the Kennedy family was neutered Burke moved into the MSM, which ultimately was weaponized against us, yeah, I think he's worth more digs.


Thank you.