Anonymous ID: 9e44d1 May 13, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.9165803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5852 >>6010 >>6189

Does anyone know why judges wear black robes?


Because they are honoring the dead. In the judicial systems of the West (and most other countries touched by the British) you are considered a dead 'person'.


Want proof? How about the attached PDF. It is Form 206 from the 'Accountant General, Court Funds Office in London WC2. Second line on the form says 'Evidence of life'.


Now why would they want to prove you're alive? Aren't you already? NO. The system (((they))) have set up (8,500 years ago approx') considers you dead UNTIL you prove you are not. For you to get paid if you win a case they need you to be in the world of the living. After you get paid (((they))) put you back into the world of the dead.


Sick fuckers aren't they?

Anonymous ID: 9e44d1 May 13, 2020, 11:12 p.m. No.9166010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6035 >>6041



This ties into the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 which is still in effect in the UK. It is also still written in the original language that was used back then. The act is attached and is direct from the UK legislative website here:


H.R. 6666 can be seen as a similar bill. Is it a coincidence that the numbers of the H.R. bill and the year of the UK Act are similar? It is not.


The 1666 act is a bill created because of the Great Fire of London. People went 'missing' and this bill was 'created' to give people 7 years to appear in court and rove that they were alive. Otherwise their assets were sold off after that time went by.


(((They))) co-opted this bill to consider everyone dead until they proved they were alive. To prove you are alive you need to create a Claim of Life document. Most of the elites have this and that means they are considered people who are in the world of the living.


What we are seeing playing out in this Coronavirus 'pandemic' is (((their))) attempt to physically kill those of us off whom (((they))) consider judicially 'dead'.


:David-wynn: Miller: was the one who cracked this 'code'. (((They))) killed him off a couple of years ago or so.


Look up Claim of Life on youtube and you will find a few examples of these docs. I will be doing my video in the next few weeks and I will post here when done to give everyone here the opportunity to get theirs done. Vital to do in this day and age.