Anonymous ID: a94670 May 13, 2020, 10:51 p.m. No.9165866   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sara Carter: Durham Is Reviewing The List Of Obama Officials Involved In Unmasking


The Justice Department received a list of the individuals ‘unmasked’ by the Obama administration’s FBI late Monday by the Acting Department of National Intelligence Director Richard Grenell. The question as to when those names will be made public, however, rests in the ODNI office, the DOJ is now saying, according to Sara A. Carter’s reporting on Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday night.


“Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell turned over the list. Now, this is the list the Obama officials that were unmasking Americans. And you and I had reported on this in 2017. This was after the November 2016 election, up until January, when President Trump took office. So there were a number of Obama officials actually involved. Now he’s turned over that list to the Department of Justice. John Durham is actually looking into this as well because as we know, Michael Flynn’s name was unmasked. It’s highly classified and that was in the Washington Post. His conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that started this whole mess,” Carter explained


She added, “The Department of Justice is looking over the documents that Rick Grenell has turned over. What I’ve been told by senior Republican lawmakers that they are gonna take a step back. They believe that these documents will be made public. And they will be made public soon, but they’re gonna take a step back and they’re gonna allow the DNI and the DOJ to work through this and decide who is best to release the documents.”


Carter also noted the exponential increase in unmasking that took place under the Obama administration and senior officials including former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power who denied any knowledge of the activity in closed-door testimony.