Anonymous ID: f51615 May 13, 2020, 11:09 p.m. No.9165995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

more kwok

Results of the genotyping and telomere length analysis will be linked to a broad spectrum of California environmental data and to current and historical health-related information from participant health surveys and the Kaiser Permanente electronic health record,the world's largest civilian electronic health record,the researchers said.

Project Reflects Incredible Advances in Genomics


Risch said the pace of the project was only possible because of the alignment of a number of critical factors: Kaiser’s Permanente’s extensive health records and thousands of willing participants from the diverse Northern California region; new genotyping technology from Santa Clara, Calif.-based Affymetrix, Inc., which produces scalable genomic analysis tools; and a history of collaboration between Kaiser Permanente and UCSF, two research institutions with complementary strengths for this project.


“The truth is that this project would have been impossible at any other time or place,” Risch said. “No single institution could have combined this level of genetic science with such deep health records on this diverse and large a number of patients. And without the funding, we could never have developed the technology to make this happen.”


The genotyping project was made possible by a two-year,$24.8 million grantawarded in September 2009 to the Kaiser Permanente RPGEH and UCSF by the National Institutes of Health. Funding for the grant came from three sources: the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the Office of the Director.


More NIH Award Funds for Kwok for gene sequencing.

Ties to Kaiser Permanente

<checks kaiser permanente board

>Jeffrey Epstein!

this dig may be tooo fruitful

looking for the pelosi connection

fauci-nih-christine-grants/awards-ucsf/kwok-genetic studies- large populations of data via kaiser permanente- study links to state data- baby blood study as well- studying genome related variations in the population and how that attects drug delivery- chinese fuckers everywhere

Anonymous ID: f51615 May 13, 2020, 11:30 p.m. No.9166106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The universally loved professor who was stabbed to death by ‘nice’ student at California college


A graduate student arrested on suspicion of stabbing to death the professor who oversaw his work at the University of Southern California was quiet and didn’t seem to have many friends but never showed any signs that something may have been wrong, several people who knew him at the university said.

David Jonathan Brown, a 28-year-old brain and cognitive science student, was arrested on a murder charge in the Friday attack on the Los Angeles campus. His mentor, Bosco Tjan, was killed inside the Seeley G. Mudd building, where he runs an intensive lab that studies vision loss.

Brown, one of just five students who worked in the lab, was arrested without incident, police said, adding that the killing was targeted.

It wasn’t clear if Brown, who’s being held on a $1 million bond, had obtained an attorney.

In a biography page about the lab and the students involved in it, Brown’s is the only one without a detailed description or photograph. His Facebook page is also barren of any photographs and showed he had just a handful of friends.


found this article from '16, a murdered chinese medical research prof. there was a Nathaniel Kwok interviewed as witness, not sure if Nathaniel is related to Pui-Yan, but nevertheless watch the fucking vid- short gotta see the laywer's comments near the end

they interviewed the muderer's killer's lawyer

he claims he was being experimented on, the other people at the university were "actors" and is now locked up in a california mental institution likely "until he dies"

Anonymous ID: f51615 May 14, 2020, 12:08 a.m. No.9166277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6327 >>6338 >>6380 >>6411

Academia Sinica

from kwok lab dig

they have a project to gene map 1 million taiwanese people

Academia Sinica references on the website

dept. of intellectual property and technology transfer

sounds like what pompeo was telling the corrupt govs about

looks like a pipeline from us universities and tech co's to the CCP

looking at the org chart it appears they have a pipeline into every major field of inquiry to take

ip to the commies

Anonymous ID: f51615 May 14, 2020, 12:20 a.m. No.9166338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6341 >>6380 >>6411


academia sinicapt 2

they have specific systems for taking the ip including workflow diagrams with payment overviews and contracts

i do not want to click that shit but contracts can be downloaded

the one that looks very fucked up at first glance is:

(with transfer fee) Biological Material Transfer Agreement (2016.7.26

eyes on please anons