Anonymous ID: 4277dd May 14, 2020, 5 a.m. No.9167459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7475

The spiritual enemies are very good at their jobs. They are smarter and more experienced than us. They are also powerless against the One Creator. Be responsible and check your thoughts and actions from every angle. If there is no direct service to God in everything you do, if whatever you are doing doesn't get you closer to God, it has no place here, period. No exceptions. Experiences of evil are only useful as ways to get back to our home that is Heaven, they have no purpose themselves. If you are hesitant to use the word "God", you can approximate him by saying it's the true laws of nature, physics and logic you serve, but sooner or later you will need the emotional component or you're gonna hit a brick wall.