Anonymous ID: adf16e May 14, 2020, 6:16 a.m. No.9167979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Think about it…


There is risk in every aspect, of every choice, that we each make each and every day. There's risk in getting behind the wheel of your vehicle, but you still drive. There's risk of putting your child on a school bus, but many still do it. There's risk in choking on every piece of food that you eat, but you still eat. There's risk in falling in the shower, but you still shower. There's risk in jogging, gardening, investing, starting a new business, cracking your own neck, mailing a check to pay a bill through the post office, and so on and so on and so on….. No matter how inconsequential of a task or a choice may seem, a level of risk will always be unavoidable.


So what's different about now and this specific virus? Viruses have been around far longer than any of us. Many people are infected worldwide each and every day by a litany of different pathogens and many people die each and every day from those same illnesses. There are no cures for many of those illnesses! Many people die from a multitude of other unforeseen ailments and accidents each and every day. So what's different about now and this specific virus?


In my opinion… it's fear. For months we have all been told, by the media and so-called experts, this is the biblical plague that's going to wipe out humanity and end the current world as we now know it. You have people hiding in their homes afraid to even go outside on their own property. You have people now not willing to get close to or even touch their loved ones because they are being told they will be the cause of their death if that person were to fall ill. We are bombarded with TV commercials and news stations that repeat the same things over and over and over… "This is now the new normal!", "This virus isn't going away!", A vaccine is our only hope to survive this and we should remain locked down until one is developed…




Think logically! How many times do you think it takes of repeating something to someone before that person will break from their own thoughts and their own beliefs and becomes conditioned to believe what is being told to them is in fact true, even if that may not be the case?


I get it. People are afraid. I won't knock you for being afraid, I am too. The world can be a scary place. But why should we let fear control every aspect of our daily lives?

If you choose to live that way, that's your choice to do so! Don't place the blame on anyone else for how you choose to live. The ability to choose is our protected God given right that no one can take from us.


I choose to fight through the fear and to teach my children to fight through the fear and to think for themselves. I choose to teach them that even though something may be scary that they have the strength to overcome and defeat their fears and to thrive.


Of all that has been said and repeated on TV, the radio, from politicians, experts, and countless others….. the one thing they've all said and I feel everyone should believe is….. "We are all in this together!"


We all have the ability and strength deep within us to surmount any obstacle placed in each of our individual paths. We can do it alone or we can do it together. Because in all reality, in the end…..


"Where We Go One We Go All".


The choice is yours and yours alone. How do you choose to live?