Anonymous ID: d71e24 May 14, 2020, 5:17 a.m. No.9167564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7581 >>7592 >>7646 >>7661 >>7712 >>7734 >>7754 >>7764 >>7785 >>7814 >>7862 >>8045 >>8110

mike charabanc pence president of vice stop sending your friends to lie for you on here.

Thanks - next time ease off a little with the "slide" and "he's not that bad" it's a little too obvious.


>>9163619 (pb) (so below)










>>9164043 (pb) (as above)

Anonymous ID: d71e24 May 14, 2020, 5:30 a.m. No.9167646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7661 >>7712 >>7734 >>7754 >>7764 >>7785 >>7814 >>7862 >>8045 >>8110

>>9163619 (pb) (so below)










>>9164043 (pb) (as above)




today, I will be mostly posting merchants, and drinking 100% patriotic All American Beer.


Anon brews his own, my dad used to brew his own brown ale, so I was helping him bottle by the mouthful ;-) when anon was 9. My latest is called


"Death From Above" it is a Republican Stout :-) (Imperial Stout, Americanized).


8.2% abv

Stand Up. Hook Up. Drink Up.


dedicated to the 82nd Airborne. Cheers.

Anonymous ID: d71e24 May 14, 2020, 5:38 a.m. No.9167712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7728 >>7734 >>7754 >>7764 >>7785 >>7814 >>7862 >>8045 >>8110

>>9163619 (pb) (so below)










>>9164043 (pb) (as above)





anons member in 2016 Yuengling back POTUS when few would publicly?


dear patriot brewer anon wants you all to know that since then I make a point of buying your black and tan as a K whenever anon raids the local package store for a new ale or cider to try and anon always lets Trump supporters know what you did, most of them dont know.


Brew something in commemoration. How about a smoked scottish ale? a cross between something like bellhaven and a good smoked german lager?


Happy 4th of July!

Anonymous ID: d71e24 May 14, 2020, 6:33 a.m. No.9168110   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>9163619 (pb) (so below)










>>9164043 (pb) (as above)














what does the Talmud say about Rome?

what do the greatest rabbis of the Synagogue of Satan say?


if you do NOT know…




you are ALL embarrassing yourselves.
