Ron CodeMonkeyfeedback
I use Firefox on Window and Firefox Tor browser
Back in January the standard Firefox worked fine. Now it doesn't. Not saying it's you. I keep up with all their updates. They might have broken something.
My complaint with the standard Firefox after Jan. was that most of the thumbs would not populate. ctrl-r helps that. But the real deal breaker is having to push buttons, reply and error buttons, 40 times to make one post! You can clear cache, kill firefox, reboot, it doesn't matter it persists. I aint doing all that, so I use the Tor browser now using 8 kun dot top, not onion, so I can post my memes. What sucks with the Tor browser is the random banning.
Since your recent update, the page loads unbelievably fast in the standard browser, but the thumbs at the bottom of the page are not populating. The posting problem still exits (40 key presses), so I won't be using it and will go back to Tor browser.
2 other more minor comments:
You seem to check to see if an image has already been posted before you check to see if there have been 750 posts. This needs to be reversed. Why tell me an image has already been posted, if it couldn't be posted anyway due to the 750 being exceeded. It wastes our time.
Captcha: is it possible to start with the cursor in the input box?
Thank you so much!