Anonymous ID: 52f3fa May 14, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.9168448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8456 >>8471 >>8473 >>8720

>>9168004 pb


Hi, I'm R.


Trump is taking us for suckers.


Not on our side. Pretending to be on our side.


Pictures of him with the Clintons. Rationale: I wasn't their friend, it was just a type of bribery. "thanks, I feel much better about that now. Nothing personal, just bribery."


There are now out there internet land a lot of people who have way outflanked us. Q has always been sorta like a cross between "Lock Her Up" style campaign promises and Conspiracy Theory 101, with a weird bunch of NSAlove / Inscomlove which does not mesh with Conspiracy Theory 101.


When the President starts talking about forced vaccinations, this is not a "good movie" any more.


Oh, I'll fight tomorrow seems to be the best we get. It seems like what Trump might very well be doing is this "Ok, I'll play the role of strutting blowhard GOP, but at the same time do absolutely nothing except get fucked in the ass over and over and then do whatever you want".


But hey, we all prefer the Q story, where all the bad guys get locked up. But that shit could've happened a long time ago. I can't tell the difference between "Breaking News" and "Shit we wanted people arrested for back in 2017", and Gates and Fauci are spreading around big buckets of bribe money for some virus that seems about as deadly as the flu, except for the fact that this virus was said to be worse than the flu, which caused people to look for a cure, and they found it right away, which caused Fauci to say "it wasn't tested enough" despite the fact that the FDA has found it safe for 60+ years. Instead, they're going to want to force people to take vaccines which are DEFINTELY NOT TESTED FOR SAFETY ANYWHERE NEAR AS MUCH AS HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, in a context where the US Government - Fauci at the head of that department - 35 some years - has been rushing out dangerous and harmful vaccines over and over. It really really seems like the process of making vaccines for old viruses is creating new viruses, making the search for new vaccines "necessary".


We should be able to go into any supermarket and buy a natural healthy and safe antiviral drink or food from the antiviral section, preferably one that also cures cancer.


Why can't we do that? Why is there no antiviral or anticancer section in the supermarket. We can convince people we landed on the moon, and we can't put quinine water and absinthe from wormwood in a bottle with a variety of essential oils from cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, garlic, oregano, with zinc and baking soda and vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals and essential oils and whatever else the testing that the government has been funding for the last 100 years has deternmined to be the best.


But no, we don't get that at all. Because Fauci has Billions a year in bribe money to hand out, he makes money on vaccine patents. This countries medical system is shit, and, with the WHO, is appears that the entire world's medical system is shit.


We need ANARCHY - no government, no laws, everything legal - to get rid of the complete garbage that runs things. At this point, we have sick and evil politicians at the top, politicians who don't even realize that priority 1 is to make sure that the most at risk, the people in nursing homes, aren't dying, and the politicians failed miserably at something as simple as that.


What was I seeing, in some states over half the dead from this were in nursing homes? Where there was built in medical care around the clock? They couldn't even get that right, that's top of the line incompetence.


What is happening on the ground doesn't come close to matching what politicans think is happening.


Only really old and sick people die from this. Why don't they just make sure that the really old and sick don't get this, and if they do, they get treated really quickly?


Govs (mostly Dems) "Don't bother me with that, I'm making up rules about how to harrass the citizens with masks despite the fact that it really doesn't fucking matter if they get sick, because it's the people in the nursing homes - people who are ALREADY GETTING MEDICAL CARE - who are the ones who are dying.


If the fucking politicans can't fucking keep the oldest and sickest - who are living in those houses for the old and sick - from getting this and dying from it, it means that those politicians really suck at their jobs, and should be embarrassed and ashamed and should shut the fuck up.

Anonymous ID: 52f3fa May 14, 2020, 7:10 a.m. No.9168456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8473



But they keep doubling down, and Trump isn't telling them to go fuck themselves, he seems to be going along with this, when he should be pummeling them, not just with tweets, but with laws, or any type of executive order that's going to get us going in the right direction.


NO FUCKING MORE VACCINES. They do more harm than good. Natural healthy prevention treatment and cure.


Find out the things that stop the harmful viruses and cancers and give us those things for free.


If the medical industry collapsed from their own special form of evil / incompetence, that would be a great victory.


Listen to Judy on this stuff, she seems to have the closest thing to a solution and the closest thing to a resume.

Anonymous ID: 52f3fa May 14, 2020, 7:34 a.m. No.9168714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8776 >>8847


Nursing Homes Account For 60% Of COVID-19 Deaths In Mass.


Who possibly could've foreseen that people in nursing homes would be at risk of harm?


Better close down the rock clubs. It's probably the 80 year olds catching covid at rock clubs.


Any mediocre leader with half a brain should've been able to figure out by St Patricks Day that special care needed to be taken to make sure that the dorms for the old and sick were full of medicine. But those politicians suck so bad.


But they closed the colleges where it didn't matter at all whether they got sick, because college kids don't get seriously ill from flulikee illnesses, but old people do.


It's amazing how much these politicians suck at their jobs.


How about - if you can't keep your old people who are already under medical care, who are already paying money not to get more sick, from dying, you have a choice.


1) your state gets no money or

2) you resign


The governor of Mass did such a shitty job, that the deaths were people who never leave the building, who were already paying to be made safe, who were failed by Commonwealth policies.


We always knew that the old and sick were at greatest risk, and we always knew that the old and sick were found in nursing homes.


You want to do contact tracing? Do it with the DEAD PEOPLE FIRST. And the answer is that stupid, negligent workers at nursing homes are at fault. And that was easy to see on St Patricks Day.


If you can't keep your nursing home residents safe - SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! at the very least, and DAY OF THE ROPE is a better answer.


Hey Governor of Mass, you couldn't keep the people in nursing homes from dying. That makes you stupid. Why should we listen to someone who is clearly stupid?

Anonymous ID: 52f3fa May 14, 2020, 7:47 a.m. No.9168847   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pennsylvania’s covid-19 cases crest 40K; 60% of deaths in nursing homes, senior living facilities


Oh, look PA, too, most dead in nursing home.


Lets ignore the houses for the old people and stop having baseball games.


Hydroxychloroquine for everybody at every nursing home. Plus Zinc. Leave the Zpack in the closet, if they show symptoms, add the Zpack.


We were saying exactly that on St Patricks Day.


It's not hard.



Anonymous ID: 52f3fa May 14, 2020, 7:54 a.m. No.9168938   🗄️.is 🔗kun


MAP: Pennsylvania coronavirus cases in nursing homes in each county


More than two-thirds of Pennsylvania’s coronavirus deaths have occurred at nursing homes, and experts believe the number of deaths and infections there will only continue to rise.