Anonymous ID: c1a8fe May 14, 2020, 8:10 a.m. No.9169110   🗄️.is 🔗kun



  1. There is no "one" method, it is all about the intended effects being realized. Is the target becoming demoralized? Different techniques for different people.


  1. Is there a social dynamic in the targets life that is changing actively? Has an equitable social circle become less equitable? Is there emotional manipulation in the form of positive and negative reactions towards certain subjects being used as conditioning? Is the target being given favors that they can't repay easily?


  1. Would challenging or addressing the manipulation cause the programmer to accuse the target of being "crazy," or a "conspiracy theorist?"


  1. Does the programmer seem to have very different values from the target? Does the programmer seem to be trying to change or compromise the targets values? Not necessarily to entrap, but to psychologically impact. Does it seem strange that the programmer would want to even be around the target based on the difference in values?


  1. Is the target constantly being pressured to change social groups by the programmer?


  1. Is the target consistently pestered by the programmer? Is the target consistently pestered in general?


  1. Are the following styles of interactions common for the programmer to use when interacting with the target: condescension; disrespect; "teaching"; "explaining"; consistent mocking? Does the programmer consistently try to turn conversation to things they have encyclopedic knowledge of and are unwilling to hear out other perspectives or opinions?


  1. Is the targets opinion consistently disrespected?


  1. Does the programmer consistently seem to be putting the target in compromising situations?


  1. Are basic needs such as hunger or the need to use the bathroom disrespected or mocked?


  1. Is the programmer consistently trying to involve money in the relationship?


This is my attempt to create an outline to identify programmers. It is by no means exhaustive. I have a background in psychology and sociology but do not claim to be an expert. I feel that things like secret cameras, frequency emitting machines, and other spy-like devices create evidence, whereas the purely social/psychological approach only creates circumstantial evidence, making it the far superior approach for a programmer to use. Think game theory. Hope this helps.