Anonymous ID: 1da4a3 May 14, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.9172146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2322


>Hypothesis? Not enough to say DOUBT, without an explanation.


When Bannon was booted, Coates became ascendant.


In a major reversal, Donald Trump has stripped chief strategist Steve Bannon of his position on the National Security Council, resolving a long simmering source of tension in national security circles. Since his appointment to the N.S.C. in January, critics had raised concerns that Bannon, a political operative with no relevant experience, might push the Council to make military decisions with political considerations in mind. Now Bannon is out, according to a notice filed Wednesday in the Federal Register. Trump’s reshuffling of the Council consolidates the power of his national security adviser, Gen. H.R. McMaster, by giving him control of the Homeland Security Council and effectively demoting Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert.


The White House sought to spin the shake-up as a minor change. Bloomberg cited an anonymous White House official as saying that Bannon had never attended an N.S.C. Principals meeting, and that his key function had been to monitor General Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser. Bannon, who will retain his security clearance, was presumably no longer needed on the council after Flynn resigned in February over his conversations with the Russian ambassador. “It’s not like this is a major shake-up,” one administration official told Politico.


In a statement to The Wall Street Journal, Bannon said that his role on the committee was to “de-operationalize” the N.S.C. after former national security adviser Susan Rice, whom Trump recently accused of “unmasking” campaign officials in contact with the Russian government, had “operationalized” it during the Obama era. “General McMaster has returned the N.S.C. to its proper function,” he said, without explaining what any of these terms meant. (As several reporters were quick to point out, Bannon’s statement closely mirrored the quotes a “senior W.H. official” gave multiple publications.)


The announcement came as something of a shock to the political world, in which Bannon had increasingly come to be seen as a “shadow president” within the White House, and its ideological architect. But it appears that Bannon, who has no prior governmental experience, may have overreached. While the former Breitbart executive had always been an object of fascination, and repulsion, in the media, in recent weeks Bannon had also become an object of ridicule. He was blamed for much of the early chaos in the West Wing, such as the uproar over the president’s so-called “Muslim ban,” which now seems more incompetent than strategic. He was widely mocked for his ineffectual demand that recalcitrant G.O.P. lawmakers support the president’s doomed health-care bill, and got caught in the crossfire when Breitbart took aim at the bill. And he appears to be losing key allies in the White House. While McMaster was said to have orchestrated Bannon’s ouster, Politico reported later Wednesday that the move was encouraged by Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, who had in recent weeks asked “searching questions” about Bannon’s performance. “Big fight is between nationalists and the ‘West Wing Democrats,” one senior administration official told the outlet, noting that Kushner sees Bannon as a greater problem for the administration than Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.


Bannon’s outsized profile may have irked Trump, too. “We are also told though that maybe the president wasn’t particularly happy with the way that Bannon had been grabbing the limelight and that may have played into all of this,” Fox News’s John Roberts reported.


The reshuffling restores national intelligence director Dan Coates and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford to the status of “regular attendees” of the Principals Committee meetings. Their initial removal from the council stirred outcry during the beginning of the administration, and was widely seen as a power move by Flynn to consolidate his power by limiting the influence of active military personnel over his decision-making.

Anonymous ID: 1da4a3 May 14, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.9172308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'''Who visited Biden at the @WhiteHouse

on June 15th 2016.'''


Biden was hosting visits from a number of Ukrainians on that date, along w/Victoria Nuland. Frequency of such visits by Ukrainians were not a regular occurance.


What else happened on 06/15/2016: “Guccifer”

Notice the TIME.

Anonymous ID: 1da4a3 May 14, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.9172364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2397




>Bannon was put on the NSC only as a check on former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn


But Bannon suggested Flynn on the campaign. Bannon's too visible and never would've trusted Coates. Bannon's big mouth is what makes him a target. He's not, again, imo. Willing to discuss obv.