Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9171549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1648 >>1691 >>1709 >>1733 >>1827 >>1895 >>1947 >>2180

John Brennan Goes Berserk After His Role in Unmasking General Mike Flynn Revealed


CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge on Wednesday obtained the list of Obama operatives who unmasked General Flynn and released it to the public.


Names included former VP Joe Biden, former CIA Director John Brennan, Samantha Power, former DNI chief James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey and others.


Brennan’s role in the unmasking of General Flynn was revealed and US Attorney John Durham is now looking at the unmasking list.


Brennan is angry and lashed out at Trump on Thursday morning.


BRENNAN: President Trump’s propaganda & disinformation machine, which operates according to a despot’s playbook, is the most aggressive & odious in history. It far surpasses even Russia’s ability to trample the truth, harm U.S. security, & undermine America’s reputation worldwide.


It was also revealed that Brennan had intel saying Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election because she was more malleable than Donald Trump.


Brennan however suppressed the intel that suggested Russia wanted Hillary to win and ran with narrative that all 17 intel agencies concluded Russia wanted Trump to become president.


The IG report released in December of 2019 confirmed John Brennan did indeed rely on the phony dossier for the ICA report on so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.9171581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1691 >>1709 >>1895 >>2180

Impeachment Boomerang: Contacts exposed between US embassy, Hunter Biden-connected Ukraine firm


Ambassador’s impeachment testimony omitted mention of Burisma meetings, letters.


During President Trump’s impeachment, former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch testified to Congress that she knew little beyond an initial briefing and “press reports” about Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas firm that had hired Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and was dogged by a corruption investigation.


“It just wasn’t a big deal,” she declared under oath on Oct. 11, 2019.


But newly unearthed State Department memos obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show Yovanovitch’s embassy in Kiev, including the ambassador herself, was engaged in several discussions and meetings about Burisma as the gas firm scrambled during the 2016 election and transition to settle a long-running corruption investigation and polish its image before President Trump took office.


Yovanovitch, for instance, was specifically warned in an email by her top deputy in September 2016 — three years before her testimony — that Burisma had hired an American firm with deep Democratic connections called Blue Star Strategies to “rehabilitate the reputation” of the Ukrainian gas firm and that it had placed “Hunter Biden on its board,” the memos show.


She also met directly with a representative for Burisma in her embassy office, less than 45 days before Trump took office, a contact she did not mention during her impeachment deposition.


The discussions about Burisma inside Yovanovitch’s embassy were so extensive, in fact, that they filled more than 160 pages of emails, memos and correspondence in fall 2016 alone, according to the State Department records obtained under FOIA by the conservative group Citizens United.


The contacts included a detailed private letter hand-delivered to Yovanovitch by one of Burisma’s lawyers in September 2016, a briefing later that month from her staff on Burisma’s issues, and a meeting scheduled between the ambassador and a Burisma representative shortly before Christmas 2016 as the Obama administration was preparing to leave office.


Yovanovitch, who recently retired from State, did not respond Tuesday to a message sent to her private email seeking comment. Her lawyer during the impeachment proceedings, Lawrence S. Robbins, also did not respond to an emailed request for comment.


State officials declined comment.



Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.9171599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1635 >>1691 >>1709 >>1895 >>2180

Embattled GOP Senator Richard Burr Steps Down as Chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee


Republican Senator Richard Burr has been a complete disappointment chairing the Senate Intelligence Committee.


The GOP senator was led around on a leash by top Democrat on the committee Senator Mark Warren


The Russia report they released was a complete fraud.


Recently, Senator Burr was caught in a stock sales probe for selling stocks he knew were in danger due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Last night FBI officials seized Senator Burr’s phone.


On Thursday Senator Burr reportedly stepped down from the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.9171638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1691 >>1895 >>2180

China Slams US As "Perpetrator Of Largest Cyber-Theft Worldwide" As FBI Issues 'High Alert' For Virus Data Hacks


US federal agencies say they are on high alert for cyberattacks out of China targeting health research and pharmaceutical companies in efforts to steal coveted and valuable coronavirus data and possible breakthrough solutions to the pandemic, such as vaccines and experimental treatments.


The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI further have issued a "public service announcement" of what they called a "significant threat", saying health research sectors "working on a COVID-19 response should all be aware they are the prime targets of this activity and take the necessary steps to protect their systems."


While over the past month some international health bodies as well as US agencies have singled out Iran as a main perpetrator of COVID-19 related data theft and hacks, US officials threw the spotlight on Beijing this week.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.9171658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1691 >>1895 >>2180 >>2236 >>2258

German intelligence exposes Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to undermine Germany


An internal intelligence report from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) in state of Bavaria has warned of the growing security threat posed by Muslim Brotherhood.


The report states that Muslim Brotherhood in Germany seeks to establish a comprehensive system of government which does not guarantee the sovereignty of the people, the principles of freedom, or equality.

Transforming German society


In its report, the BfV added that “the Brotherhood’s primary goal is to form a system of government and many of the Muslim Brotherhood’s principles are hostile to the German Constitution, especially the principles of democracy, the rule of law and a political system based on human dignity.”


The report emphasizes that the essence of the Brotherhood’s anti-constitution principles and goals are stipulated in the “general system of the Muslim Brotherhood,” the general rules of the Muslim Brotherhood which were put forward by first generation of the founding fathers and Hassan al-Banna (the founder of the group in Egypt in the 1920s).


The report also notes that “the Islamic Community Organization is the basic organizational structure of the Muslim Brotherhood in Germany, and this organization is a member of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, which is the mother organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, and is based in Brussels.”


“Samir Falah, the former president of the German Islamic Society, was elected president of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe in 2018,” reflecting the strength of the Muslim Brotherhood branch in Germany.

Organizations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood are dangerous


The intelligence report warns of another umbrella organization in Europe, the European council for fatwa and research, which was established in 1997 in Dublin, Ireland, and aims to control the fatwa for Muslims residing in Europe. Yusuf al-Qaradawi is considered the spiritual leader of the group.


“The Muslim Brotherhood is trying publicly to demonstrate openness, tolerance, and a desire to dialogue with governments and political institutions, but the group aims to replace the existing system with its own system,” the report reads.


The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has “monitored the sympathy of the supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood with terrorists (such as ISIS terrorists) on social media.”


The report identified the Islamic Center in Munich, the capital of the state of Bavaria, and the Islamic Group in Nuremberg, as the most important organizations operating under the banner of the Islamic Society Organization in the state.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.9171673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1691 >>1895 >>1984 >>2180

‘Don’t give 2 rats’ a**es about your cops’: NYC police unions call on health commissioner to resign after refusal to provide masks


Unions representing New York City police officers have demanded the dismissal of the city’s health commissioner after she scoffed at a request to provide the force with surgical masks amid the coronavirus pandemic.


Dr. Oxiris Barbot refused to provide the city’s police with 500,000 masks as Covid-19 began to spread in March, telling a high-ranking law enforcement official, NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan: “I don’t give two rats’ asses about your cops.” The conversation, first reported by the New York Post, was confirmed to the media by the NYC Health Department. Barbot has since apologized to Monahan for her remarks, the department said, describing the crude utterance as a “heated exchange.”


Her atonement has not satisfied the city’s police unions, however. The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York condemned her “despicable and unforgivable” slight against the force. In a fiery message posted to Twitter, the group said the commissioner should be forced to “look in the eye of every police family who lost a hero to this virus.”

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.9171711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1742 >>1863 >>1895 >>2180

Senator Barasso: The Day Joe Biden Asked to Unmask Flynn Is Same Day Info Got Leaked to Washington Post — And Joe Likes to Talk


On Wednesday Acting DNI Richard Grenell declassified the list of Obama officials involved in the unmasking of General Mike Flynn in his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.


CBS reporter Catherine Herridge obtained the list of Obama operatives who unmasked General Flynn.


Names include former CIA Director John Brennan, Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, former DNI chief James Clapper and Joe Biden.


On Thursday Senator Joh Barasso joined Stuart Varney on Varney and Co. and pointed out the timing of Joe Biden’s unmasking request. It happens to be the same day the call was leaked to the Washington Post.


It was a felony to leak this information to the media that could result in a punishment of 10 years in prison.


Sen. John Barasso: The thing that is so disturbing is the day that connects Biden is the day he did his unmasking is the same day the information got leaked to Washington Post. Now that’s a crime punishable by ten years in jail. And we know that Joe Biden likes to talk.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.9171721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1769 >>1895 >>2180

Republicans accuse Nancy Pelosi of attempting to 'shovel cash' to Planned Parenthood in $3 trillion coronavirus bill


"This is kind of the mother of all Christmas trees of pet policies and pet projects'


Republicans accused Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) of attempting to allow funds meant for the coronavirus recovery to go to Planned Parenthood.


Pelosi unveiled a more than $3 trillion coronavirus aid package on Tuesday. Under her so-called HEROES Act, the Payroll Protection Program would receive another $10 billion so that businesses and nonprofit organizations could get loans designed to keep their workers on the payroll. Several Republican lawmakers claim that the House Democrats' coronavirus bill allows for funding to go to Planned Parenthood.


The Trump administration had installed safeguards in the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act — also known as the CARES Act — that passed in late March. The safeguards prevented Planned Parenthood for applying for the PPP's $669 billion in emergency loans to help small businesses continue to pay their employees during the COVID-19 shutdown. The House Democrats' HEROES Act would remove those safeguards.


"Speaker Pelosi is working overtime for her donors in the abortion industry," Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks told the Daily Caller on Wednesday. "I can't believe I need to spell this out for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, but cash-strapped Americans don't want to pay for abortions, send cash to illegal immigrants, or have their hard-earned cash used to subsidize coastal elites or failing blue state pension systems."


"The Paycheck Protection Program is for small businesses," Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse told the Daily Caller. "There's nothing small about Planned Parenthood, the country's largest abortion business. Nancy Pelosi shouldn't try to shovel cash to Big Abortion's corporate lobbyists while Americans suffer."


"The Democrats want the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, to qualify for taxpayer money meant for small businesses, churches, and charities," said Arkansas GOP Sen. Tom Cotton. "Congress ought to devote every cent of federal funding to life-saving causes, instead of paying off purveyors of death."


The HEROES Act would define "essential workers" as those who work in "physician offices, community health centers, rural health clinics and other clinics, hospital outpatient departments, freestanding emergency departments, ambulatory surgical centers, and other related settings." Abortion clinic workers appear to be categorized as "essential workers." The HEROES Act would provide $200 billion in "hazard pay" for essential workers.


"Clearly this is an agenda that is out there purely for messaging and isn't a serious attempt at dealing with what we're going through as a country," Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-Mich.) said of the HEROES Act. "This is kind of the mother of all Christmas trees of pet policies and pet projects as far as I'm concerned."


"The legislation released today by @SpeakerPelosi is merely a partisan wish list that will not become law," Huizenga wrote on Twitter.


"That will not pass. It's not going to be supported," Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) told CNN.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.9171749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895 >>2180

'Whistleblowing' Vaccine Expert Rick Bright Testifies To House


Rick Bright, the top federal vaccine official who claims he was ousted from his position for speaking out, is expected to criticize the administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and warn of dark days to come during a House hearing on Thursday.


Bright will publicly advise the federal government to ramp up its response, a week after filing a whistleblower complaint alleging he was fired from his job leading the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) for opposing the use of hydrochloroquine (which has been "touted" - to use the media's new favorite word - by President Trump as a potential COVID-19 treatment).


In his complaint, Bright claims he was excluded from an HHS meeting on the coronavirus in late January after he "pressed for urgent access to funding, personnel, and clinical specimens, including viruses," to develop treatments for the coronavirus should it spread outside of Asia.


Bright alleges it "became increasingly clear" in late January that "HHS leadership was doing nothing to prepare for the imminent mask shortage."


Bright claims he "resisted efforts to fall into line with the Administration’s directive to promote the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine and to award lucrative contracts for these and other drugs even though they lacked scientific merit and had not received prior scientific vetting."


He adds that "even as HHS leadership began to acknowledge the imminent shortages in critical medical supplies, they failed to recognize the magnitude of the problem, and they failed to take the necessary urgent action."


President Trump had a few things to say, of course:


The Hill reports that Bright is expected to warn the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health of “unprecedented illness and fatalities” if the U.S. coronavirus response does not improve.



"Our window of opportunity is closing," Bright is expected to testify, according to his prepared remarks provided to CNN.


"Without clear planning and implementation… 2020 will be (the) darkest winter in modern history."

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9171757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895 >>1943 >>2180

Swiss populists: Leftists harboring illegal migrants causing COVID-19 to spread


The populist Swiss People’s Party, the largest party in country’s lawmaking body, has slammed Left-wing strongholds for exacerbating the Wuhan coronavirus crisis by harboring illegal migrants and rejected asylum seekers against federal law.


In a press release published earlier in week, the party not only called for the expulsion of failed asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, but blasted Geneva for contributing to the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus by harboring the migrants.


“In Geneva, there is one case of COVID-19 per 100 inhabitants,” the press release reads. “This makes the canton most affected by the pandemic of all cantons.”


“Illegal migrants, such as tens of thousands tolerated by Geneva in violation of federal law, appear to be among the pandemic drivers – with devastating consequences for the whole country: Because of the many coronavirus cases, all people in Switzerland had to endure massive state intervention and now have to pay the resulting horrendous costs.”


The SVP, citing a survey carried out by the Geneva University hospital, says that infection rates among illegal immigrants is much higher than those seen in the native Swiss population. Because many of illegal migrants and asylum seekers cannot afford testing and do not adhere to the quarantine measures, they end spreading the virus far and wide, the populist party argues.


In order to limit the further spread of the Wuhan virus in the country, the party has called on federal government to abandon its “laissez-faire approach” to illegal migration, and for “cantons and cities that do not enforce federal law on migration must be held accountable.” Lastly, the Right-wing party demands that illegal migrants must be “consistently deported and new arrivals without visas or residence permits must be consistently turned away at the border”.


At present, there are between 90,000 and 250,000 illegal migrants living in the small alpine nation.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.9171778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1867 >>1895 >>2191

Man With Staggering .55 Blood-Alcohol Content Dies; Officials Call It A COVID-19 Death


A big-time drinker in Montezuma County, Colorado, recently got so drunk they died.


The person’s blood-alcohol content (BAC) was 0.55 — not 0.05, but .55, which is nearly seven times the legal driving limit of 0.08 in Colorado.


A BAC of 0.3 is considered lethal.


So, open and shut case, right? Wrong.


The state claims the person died of coronavirus, not alcohol poisoning.


“County Coroner George Deavers said the person tested positive for COVID-19, but an investigation by him and the pathologist determined the cause of death was ethanol toxicity,” The Durango Herald wrote. “‘COVID was not listed on the death certificate as the cause of death. I disagree with the state for listing it as a COVID death, and will be discussing it with them this week,'” Deavers said.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9171793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895 >>2191 >>2320

Donald Trump: We’re Mobilizing Military to Distribute Future Coronavirus Vaccine



President Donald Trump said in an interview Thursday he is already mobilizing the military to help distribute a coronavirus vaccine as soon as it is developed.


“Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly,” the president said in an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, which aired on Thursday morning.


The president said that distributing the vaccine would be a “massive job” and that he would move quickly to get it distributed.


“Unless you’re mobilized and ready, you’re not going to be able to do it for a long time. So we’re starting now,” he said.


President Trump predicted a vaccine would become available by the end of 2020, and manufacturers are already mobilizing the production of millions of doses of potential vaccine candidates while they are tested.


The president has also set an “Operation Warp Speed “task force goal of getting 100 million vaccine doses available in the fall, with 300 million doses by January.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11 a.m. No.9171822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895 >>2191

GOP Lawmaker Breaks Ranks, Will Vote For Pelosi’s Coronavirus Package


An outgoing Republican lawmaker says he will buck his party to vote for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s coronavirus stimulus package, a bill that includes a slate of progressive measures.


New York Rep. Peter King told to The Hill Wednesday that he plans to vote for House Democrats’s HEROES Act, a $3 trillion relief package for Americans suffering financially from the coronavirus pandemic. The bill has been criticized by some Republicans as a “liberal wishlist” that has no chance of passing.


Pelosi’s legislation, for example, would make illegal aliens eligible for economic assistance, gives protections for sanctuary cities, and allegedly paves the way for coronavirus funds to end up in Planned Parenthood’s coffers. King, who represents a New York district hit hard by the viral outbreak, said he is looking past the measures he disagrees with because his constituents stand to benefit from the bill.


“In some ways it’s a tough decision and in some ways it’s an easy decision,” King said to The Hill on Wednesday.


“Look, I disagree with a lot of things that are in that bill: some of the provisions involving illegal immigrants, some of the absentee ballots, the mail, all that stuff. But the fact is, to me, [Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell sort of laid it down … he’s talking about no federal aid to state and local governments,” he explained.


“New York is going to die, my county, Nassau County, [and] Suffolk County is also in my district; not only are they running up tremendous cost, their revenue losses are unbelievable,” King said.


Pelosi introduced her party’s coronavirus package on Tuesday, and scheduled it for a Friday vote in the House. The $3 trillion bill allots $500 billion for state governments and $375 billion for local governments — something King feels is necessary.


However, the 1,815-page bill includes provisions that the GOP says is a no-go. Such measures include allowing those who use Taxpayer Identification Numbers (what many illegal aliens use in lieu of Social Security numbers) eligible for relief, giving protections to cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, and calling for a release of aliens in immigration detention.


House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy called the package a “liberal wishlist that has no chance of becoming law.”


King acknowledged that the bill has no chance of passing through the Republican-controlled Senate, but says Pelosi’s bill is a good starting point for negotiations.


“I think the Speaker is piling it in there to keep our left-wing base happy — I’m against all that, but [if] that’s the price I have to pay to get funding to keep New York and Nassau County and Suffolk County and New York City alive, then I’ll do that,” King said Wednesday.


King, who has been a member of Congress since 1993, will retire at the end of his current term.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.9171849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895 >>2191

Narco-Terrorist Caught Planning to Bomb Mexican Border State Government Building


MONTERREY, Nuevo Leon – A Mexican narco-terrorist and his henchmen were preparing to blow up a government building before authorities intervened and seized packages of plastic explosives.


Breitbart Texas obtained exclusive information from U.S. law enforcement officials working in Mexico who were briefed on the matter. The intelligence explained an investigation into an independent criminal organization responsible for the terror plot.


The foiled plan called for the use of explosives in a government building. Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office (FGR) and the Nuevo Leon State Investigation’s Agency (AEI) raided homes and questioned individuals reportedly connected to the plot.


As part of the organized crime investigation, authorities arrested a cartel henchman named Juan Antonio Aguilar González, who kept several packages of plastic explosives in his vehicle. His arrest occurred at a shopping center in the suburb of Escobedo.


Almost simultaneously, authorities arrested Gonzalez’s boss, Adrián Alfonso “El Trailer” Castillo Miguel, a previous high-ranking member with Los Zetas before starting his own regional organization. El Trailer is described by intelligence officials as having operational control over the municipalities of Salinas Victoria, El Carmen, Hidalgo, and Mina. The working theory suggests El Trailer ordered the terror attack as payback against rivals and corrupt officials in northern Mexico.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.9171858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895 >>2191

Mexican Newspaper Gets Bomb Threat for Criticizing President AMLO


One of Mexico’s largest newspapers received a bomb threat from a man claiming to represent the Sinaloa Cartel after criticism of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. This is not the paper’s first threat in its history.


The new threat came on Wednesday morning when a man called the main office of Reforma in Mexico City, asking to speak with the metro desk. He threatened to bomb the building if reporters failed to cease publishing critical content about the president, the paper explained.


“All of the Sinaloa Cartel is with Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador … You are crossing the line,” the man is quoted in Reforma.


According to the publication, the caller was upset about a video that contrasted the Coronavirus timeline versus the comments made by Lopez Obrador, who has been criticized for downplaying the pandemic and encouraging the public mingling.


Reforma claims the call originated in Baja California, a state whose government is currently ruled by a member of Lopez Obrador’s political party.


In 2012, three of Reforma’s offices were targeted by organized crime with the fiercest attack occurring in San Pedro, Nuevo Leon, when gunmen sprayed gasoline and set fire to one of their buildings.


Various international press freedom organizations continue to label Mexico as one of the most dangerous places worldwide for journalists. This year, four journalists were killed. Those cases remain unsolved.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.9171911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2191

The Clinton-Kremlin Connection, Hillary's "Fall from Grace"


A program overseen by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as part of the "reset" with Russia wound up enhancing Russia's military technology and funneling millions of dollar to the Clinton Foundation, according to a new report by investigative journalist Peter Schweizer and the Government Accountability Institute he heads.


The report says both the U.S. Army and the Federal Bureau of Investigation found that the program, intended to support Russia's version of Silicon Valley, was exploited to improve Russia's military capability.


The "innovation city" of Skolkovo on the outskirts of Moscow was center of the program. Its stated purpose was "identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthen strategic stability, international security, economic well-being, and the development of ties between the American and Russian people."


Instead, the FBI warned several American technology companies in 2014 that Skolkovo "may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation's sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application." Indeed, it was.


Regarding Hillary and Bill Clinton, the report says: "Many of the key figures in the Skolkovo process – on both the Russian and U.S. sides – had major financial ties to the Clintons. During the Russian reset, these figures and entities provided the Clintons with tens of millions of dollars, including contributions to the Clinton Foundation, paid for speeches by Bill Clinton, or investments in small start-up companies with deep Clinton ties."


The report may put a crimp in Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. She has made the "reset" a major issue to show the success of her tenure as secretary of state, contrasting it with her Republican opponent Donald Trump's total lack of experience in foreign and national security policy. The report raises doubts about her effectiveness as the top foreign policy official during President Obama's first term.


Schweitzer's book Clinton Cash, published in 2015, revealed how the Clintons' income between 2001 and 2012 exceeded $136 million. The book's subtitle: "The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich."


The new report said a Russian government fund sent $35 million to "a small company with Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta on its executive board, which included senior Russian officials. John Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law on his federal financial disclosures, his membership on the board of this offshore company."



Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.9171940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2024 >>2029 >>2126 >>2191

Virginia Gov Asks For Help Enforcing Continued Lockdown. Sheriff Says No Way.


A Virginia sheriff has rejected a request by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam to help enforce a mandatory lockdown on certain businesses in the northern part of the state.

Culpepper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins announced on Tuesday that he would not enforce Northam’s partial lockdown order, which has already been rolled back from much of the state.


“Heads of law enforcement agencies in the Rappahannock Rapidan Health District were contacted today by the district health director, Dr. Wade Kartchner. The purpose was to request assistance on enforcement of Governor Northam’s Executive Order 61,” Jenkins said in a statement.


“My response to that request is that we will not trample the constitutional freedoms of our citizens to enforce an edict of the Governor. I do not speak for any of the other jurisdictions in the health district,” Jenkins said.


A number of cities and counties making up the “Northern Virginia Region” requested that Northam not move forward with reopening their economies and lifting strict lockdown orders off of hundreds of businesses. Northam assented, leaving Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties under “Phase Zero” of the reopening strategy.

Northam’s new order, Executive Order 61, adjusts the reopening dates for the Northern Virginia Area and leaves residents under strict social distancing rules that prohibit movement outside their homes except for state-approved activities, such as exercise, purchasing groceries, or volunteering.

Businesses such as gyms and movie theaters must remain closed while restaurants and breweries must only operate on a take-out/delivery basis.

“The Northern Virginia Region is substantially higher than the rest of the Commonwealth in percentage of positive tests for COVID-19. The Northern Virginia Region has about a 25% positivity rate, while the rest of the Commonwealth is closer to 10%. Further, in the last 24 hours, the Northern Virginia Region reported over 700 cases, while the rest of the Commonwealth reported approximately 270. On any given day, 70% of the Commonwealth’s positive cases are attributable to the Northern Virginia Region,” order 61 says.

States are moving forward with reopening strategies since most locked down in late-March or early-April. The outbreak of the pandemic and subsequent shutdowns have taken an enormous toll on the economy. That toll has been projected to possibly cost about 75,000 more lives in “deaths of despair” from suicide, alcohol, and drugs. The virus itself is responsible for just over 85,000 deaths in the U.S. so far.


Georgia, one of the earliest states to pursue reopening, is becoming a relative success in restarting businesses while combating the coronavirus. The state has lifted many restrictions and allowed restaurants to renew seated dining while its number of cases of coronavirus has continued to fall. From May 4 to May 11, the number of cases across the state declined by 12%, according to a tracking map created by Axios.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.9171983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2045 >>2095 >>2191

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Orders All Residents Must Wear Face Coverings When They Leave Home


Los Angeles Democrat Mayor Eric Garcetti said on Wednesday that all residents will be forced to wear face coverings when they leave their homes.


“We’re requiring all Angelenos to wear face coverings when they leave the house,” Garcetti said in a statement. “There are exceptions in place for small children or those with disabilities.”


“Our Safer at Home order will remain in place beyond May 15. Depending on public health conditions, we will continue to adjust the order to safely allow more businesses to operate and more people to get back to work,” Garcetti added. “All retail locations — from electronics to beauty stores — will now be allowed to open for curbside and doorside pickup and delivery. We are also allowing manufacturing that supports retail that is opening at reduced capacity as long as they can adhere to safety protocols.”


The announcement from Garcetti comes after Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said earlier this week, “Based on all of the data that we’re looking at … we know with all certainty that we’ll be extending health officer orders for the next three months.”


Garcetti walked back those claims on Wednesday evening during a news conference, saying that those remarks were not accurate.

“Let me cut to the chase, I know yesterday a lot of people felt very depressed, they saw and heard coverage in the news that implied somehow for the next three months Los Angeles County would be on lock down,” Garcetti said. “No, Los Angeles County is not going to be on lock down for three months.”


“Look at this past week and this week and brave steps forward,” Garcetti continued. “This hasn’t been a week of retreat, we’ve had to make tough calls, but based on the advice of our public health officials and people who are that suffering to take steps forward.”

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.9171995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2191

Uber Announces ‘Mask Selfie’ Requirement For Drivers, Other Changes To Ride-Sharing Experience


Uber has announced new changes to the ride-sharing experience, including a requirement for drivers to take regular mask selfies to ensure that they’re complying with the transportation company’s new health features.


Under the new policy, drivers for both UberEats and the traditional ride-sharing service will be required to take a selfie with a mask or face cover before they’re allowed to accept a passenger or food delivery order. The feature doesn’t collect biometric data, unlike the technology they can use to confirm the identity of the person driving, says the company.

In addition to requiring drivers to now wear masks, passengers can no longer sit in the front seat with the driver, and must confirm they’re wearing a mask through an in-app checklist. The new policy allows for both the driver and the passenger to reject the other, free of charge, for not wearing a mask.


“Accountability is key — and it goes both ways. That’s why we are encouraging drivers to cancel trips without penalty if they don’t feel safe, including if the rider isn’t wearing a face cover,” Dara Khosrowshahi, chief executive of Uber, said in a statement on Wednesday. “If a driver shows up without a mask on, the rider can cancel the trip without penalty, too, and report the issue to us via the app.”


The changes to the ride-sharing experience, which has prompted Uber to refer to them as a passenger’s “second first trip,” will go into effect across the United States on Monday and will last through June, at which point they may be changed “based on local public health needs.”

“We understand that some of these policies may be inconvenient at first,” Kansai Sachin, director of product management at Uber, said in a press conference. “But when it comes to safety, we want to make sure that we have caution in our mind and everyone’s safety in our heart.”


The company also said it plans to spend $50 million on disinfectant and cleaning supplies – including masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, and wipes – for drivers who work with the company around the world.


Last week, California filed a lawsuit against Uber for violating a new labor law that was designed to re-classify drivers as employees of ride-sharing companies, and deem those employees subject to benefits and special labor protections. As The Daily Wire previously reported, in announcing the lawsuit, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra implied that the pandemic had made drivers realize the law was a good idea.


“Californians who drive for Uber and Lyft lack basic worker protections — from paid sick leave to the right to overtime pay,” said Becerra. “Sometimes it takes a pandemic to shake us into realizing what that really means and who suffers the consequences.”


Uber promptly blasted the state attorney general and several cities named in the lawsuit over its poor timing.


“At a time when California’s economy is in crisis with four million people out of work, we need to make it easier, not harder, for people to quickly start earning,” said Uber in a statement, obtained by NBC News. “We will contest this action in court, while at the same time pushing to raise the standard of independent work for drivers in California, including with guaranteed minimum earnings and new benefits.”

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9172005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2043 >>2191

Mitch McConnell is pushing the Senate to pass a law that would let the FBI collect Americans' web browsing history without a warrant


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing forward with an amendment that would let the FBI collect records on Americans' web browsing and search histories without a warrant this week.

McConnell proposed the amendment as part of the renewal of the 2001 PATRIOT Act, The Daily Beast first reported. The Senate is expected to vote on the measure as soon as Wednesday.

The McConnell amendment would let Department of Justice officials — overseen by Attorney General Bill Barr — look through anyone's browsing history without the pre-approval of a judge if they deem the browsing history is relevant to an investigation. It blocks the FBI from accessing the "content" of people's web browsing history, but would let the FBI access records detailing which sites and which search terms people entered.


The proposal has drawn backlash from a bipartisan group of senators, as well as from both liberal and conservative civil liberties groups including the ACLU and Americans for Prosperity.


Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden and Republican Sen. Steve Daines jointly proposed an amendment that would require the FBI to obtain a warrant before accessing people's web browsing history — but their amendment failed by just one vote Wednesday, bringing McConnell's proposal one step closer to becoming law.


"When you talk about web browsing and searches, you're talking about some of the most sensitive, most personal, and most private details of Americans' lives. Every thought that can come into people's heads can be revealed in an internet search or a visit to a website," Wyden said in a statement to Business Insider.

McConnell's press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


In a joint op-ed, ACLU counsel Neema Singh Guliani and Americans for Prosperity decried McConnell's proposal as "warrantless secret spying" and "unjust."


As it weighs the reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act, the Senate is also considering amendments that would give the attorney general more oversight of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court, which handles investigations into political candidates.


The Senate is expected to vote on the amendments Wednesday or Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.9172084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2105 >>2191 >>2282

ARREST BILL GATES: Chants Aussie Protesters Mobilized Against Lock-down Tyranny


MELBOURNE, Australia – On May 10th 2020, hundreds of anti-lockdown protesters gathered in front of the Parliament House in Melbourne. This comes as the Australian government has generally adhered to the recommendations made by the Bill Gates influenced WHO. Their grievances include an opposition to mandatory vaccination, the closing of the economy, unconstitutional lock-down and social distancing regulations, and significantly – ‘ARREST BILL GATES’.


In this clip, the protesters break into a chant, “Arrest Bill Gates”, and increasingly popular demand, worldwide.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.9172096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2191 >>2265

==MENAAnglo 5Headline NewsIraq

IRAQ: US Aircraft Continue Transfer of ISIS Terrorists From Syria to Iraq==


BAGHDAD – A leader in Iraq’s Badr Organization said US forces have transferred Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorists from Syria into Iraq amid Washington’s attempts to reinforce the American presence in the Arab country.

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“Eyewitnesses living along the border with Syria have informed security officials that American forces are conducting extensive airborne transfers of Daesh terrorists from Syria to Iraq,” Mohammad Mahdi al-Bayati told al-Maalomah news agency on Sunday.


The terrorists entered Iraq via the borders near the Kurdistan region, Bayati said, adding that the new deployment is aimed at stepping up terrorist attacks in Iraq in order to justify the presence of American forces in the country.


The US has not only defied calls to withdraw from Iraq but has also reinforced its military presence by deploying more troops and military equipment. The United States has recently started evacuating its occupation forces from a number of military bases in Iraq under a new redeployment plan.


Iraqis believe the move is a military tactic amid reports that Washington is drawing up plans to target members of Hashd al-Sha’abi or Popular Mobilization Forces. On Saturday, Hashd al-Sha’abi thwarted an attempt by Daesh militants to infiltrate into the Iraqi province of Anbar from Syria.


The presence of US forces presents a serious quandary for new Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. On Saturday, he met US Ambassador Matthew Tueller in Baghdad, reiterating that Iraq would not be a ground for settling accounts and launching attacks on any neighboring or friendly country.


Around 5,000 US troops are in Iraq under the pretext of supporting Iraqi forces in the battle against Daesh even as Baghdad has declared the fight against the terrorists over a long time ago. Following a cabinet meeting Saturday, Kadhimi said a strategic agreement with the US will be reviewed.


Iraq and the US signed the Strategic Framework Agreement in 2008 based on a relationship of friendship and cooperation between the two nations. However, relations nosedived following the US assassination and airstrikes on popular counterterror forces which prompted the Iraqi parliament to vote for the withdrawal of American troops.


Speaking to Baghdad Today news website on Wednesday, Kadhimi said he was “serious” about ending any manifestation of the illegal presence of foreign forces in Iraq. He said Baghdad would discuss with Washington the nature of its presence on Iraqi soil in the near future.


Some Iraqi political groups have said they had set action on the parliament’s withdrawal vote as a condition for endorsing Kadhimi as prime minister. On Friday, a senior Iraqi cleric said that American forces do not intend to leave the Middle East region and have to be consequentially expelled forcibly by means of resistance.


“The Americans have to be ousted because they do not intend to leave by themselves. Only resistance can expel them,” Baghdad Friday prayers leader Sayed Yasin al-Mousavi said.


Iraqi resistance groups have also pledged to take up arms against US forces if Washington fails to comply with the parliamentary order.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.9172149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2190

Massachusetts Contact Tracing Program Handed to Clinton-Linked NGO with Questionable Past


A new contact tracing program was recently unveiled in Massachusetts in partnership with Partners in Health, an NGO with links to US regime change operations, big pharma and the Clinton Foundation.


Last week, the State of Massachusetts began implementing a contact tracing program in partnership with a Boston-based organization with ties to the biggest names in big pharma: the George Soros’ Open Society and the Clinton Foundation. Those ties go back decades and include U.S. intelligence assets and regime-change operations in Haiti including Operation Uphold Democracy, in which American troops invaded the Caribbean nation to clean up after the CIA-sponsored coup against Jean-Bertrand Aristide.


In April, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced the partnership, called the COVID-19 Community Tracing Collaborative, with Partners in Health (PIH), a non-profit organization with highly questionable patronage and an even more dubious history.


The program will be led by PIH’s chief medical officer, Dr. Joia Mukherjee, who described the goals of the contact tracing initiative as well as some of the authorities granted to PIH by the state of Massachusetts to NPR, such as making assessments about whether families have “the ability, the space, the food needed, the employment, the money to safely quarantine” and assigning social service assistants in case they fail to meet the necessary criteria.


The disturbing implications are clear. But, just in case it escaped any NPR listeners, Dr. Mukherjee made it abundantly clear when she tried to assuage the concerns of a Massachusetts contact tracer about parents who might be “infecting their children.” Mukherjee assures listeners that PIH will be there to help families who “cannot separate themselves from their children easily“.


The Massachusetts state website has published a guide and overview of the program, containing cursory insight about the protocols contact tracers and contacted homes are to follow and it reads like something out of the 1985 dystopian sci-fi thriller “Brazil.”


Cont from images:

Paul Farmer is a complex fellow. Kidder, in his PIH biopic, “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” claims the Farmer not only chided a U.S. military captain about his operational choices, but also pointed out that he found it unacceptable that “a high official of the junta” had received training at the infamous School of the Americas. The author never makes clear what context Farmer was speaking in.

Anonymous ID: 85d7d1 May 14, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9172165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2243 >>2260

World Spent $73 Billion on Nuclear Arms in 2019; US Spent Half of That


Pandemic may force a rethink of priorities for costly arms


A new ICAN report shows that in 2019, the world spent about $73 billion on nuclear weapons. The US spent roughly half of that by themselves, at over $35 billion. This is an increase of over $7 billion from 2018.


With focus shifting to the coronavirus pandemic, spending billions of dollars on nuclear weapons likely is going to make less and less sense going forward, with nations all having budget consequences from the pandemic.


The expectation, with the US and Russia not likely to extend New START, was that there would be increased spending going forward. Budget deficits are likely to force a rethink, on the futility of buying expensive nuclear arms.


No nuclear weapons use in generations means this money is going into a black hole, and US talk of making low-yield nukes with more utility seem unrealistic. This means billions that could be better spent on almost anything, and in the Covid-19 era, no shortage of things to spend it on.


The Pentagon already says it expects its expenses, particularly weapons programs, to come under growing scrutiny, and other nations will probably face the exact same thing. This will certainly put pressure on nations to justify these nuclear expenses.


While it may be years to fully realize, the pandemic may have a positive effect on disarmament internationally, as there is just no justification for spending billions on weapons of mass destruction in an era when people are dying by the thousand to the virus.