Anonymous ID: c55473 May 14, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.9171841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1895 >>2191

Sandman Kurtz

"The president feels it's in his interest to fight multiple battles at once," Kurtz added. "But the counter to that is, we're in this national emergency. Why not focus almost all of your attention on that?"


WELL SANDMAN KURTZ, tell us exactly what THAT national emergency is, because instantly, believing I am reasonably well informed, I immediate count 3 grave and deadly emergencies on America, and I could add a four and five with a bit of refection. Everyone of them leads to the Death of the America we were handed. Everyone of them rips into gut or lung, messes with our heads, molests our hearts, souls and spirits. 


Kurtz does do a nice job enlisting a small bit of good logic. Using the Flynn developments, he notes monster like CNN who ignore Flynn story in week one are apt to get their, whatever-they-LEFT-sticking-out, lopped-off by week two when even bigger news breaks building on week one. Thanks Kurtz for painting the rule of these decades. He even threw down a 'mainstream media' to get himself there… to his conclusion. Nice job Kurtz, you start to WAKE-UP! But your head remains badly buried in ancient, childhood sandbox.


Kurtz does not say, or even hint as to the antecedent of 'national emergency'. Whatever it is, POTUS is not adequately, and sufficiently fixated on it alone, Kurt's erroneous conclusion. I could be wrong but the sand burying Kurtz's thoughts I think is called Plandemic or panDEMic or likely pandemic for Kurt's tiny little space, between ears. 


Three National Emergencies popping fastest to my little pea loving brain are (I see dots to connect):

1) Plandemic or panDEMic lockdown

2) Failure to restart/restore American Economy fast enough and strong enough

3) Obamagate


Thankfully this platform, the masters of connect-the-dots, readily know the enemy in Kurtz's sandbox, behind all three schemes is one and the same. To fight any, fights them all. However, history will show striking ObamaGate is the most direct rout this American Constitutional Republic can take. IT IS UNIQUELY POTUS'S GREATEST CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY, his sacred pledge to all of us. Four and five I would add: 4) Spiritual impotence, 5) Rigged Elections. And why not add, 6)MSM/LSM/FakeNews? All six are enemies of this people both killing Americans and America. But the enemy is one. 17+ must fight every front simultaneously according to his God-Given wisdom.


Sorry Kurtz for swift kick up the… but target presented, sleepily opening but one eye, or portal. Perhaps my boot will prove advantageous, somersaulting you face-up, prying head out of sand. Next time you pop eye sunlight may burn and not the sting of cascading sand onto lone bear eyeball. May the burn go directly to heart igniting God-Given intelligence. Abandon your one-sandbox-fits-all mentality. A little logic is good, but you have to SNOWBALL that LOGIC. Look all around, it has dumped on us big time. Dig in any place and SNOWBALL LOGIC.  It is the best weapon, most common to all of us, to counter the conspiracies we are LEFT to theorize on.