Anonymous ID: 7a8735 May 14, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.9173131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

some thoughts on #ObamaGate and the TRUMP card


POTUS understands how Obama operates: all show, no substance, keeping up the dignified appearance of a President, while covertly running this country into the ground. In fact, he warned us about this kind of person back in 1980.


"Somebody with strong views..somebody with the kind of views that are maybe a little bit unpopular—which may be right—but maybe unpopular, wouldn't necessarily have a chance of getting elected against somebody with no great brain but a big smile."


No great brain but a big smile. Sounds just like Obama. Liberals worship him. They trust him and believe him to be highly principled, intelligent, thoughtful, charming, and articulate.

Anyone else in the Democrat party can falter and flounder when they answer a question publicly, but not him. He is expected to be an excellent orator.


So what happens when you subpoena him and force him to answer questions, under oath, on national television? And not the softball questions he's been getting for the past 4 years, but real questions, about SpyGate, FISAGate, Gen. Flynn, and how his administration "went rogue".

What happens then? He might be able to dodge 1 question but he can't dodge them all. He can't lie when everybody has the evidence.


Obama is the snake, the wolf in sheep's clothing that infiltrated this country with the promise of hope and change and poisoned it from within.


But he can't slip away anymore. The facts are out there already & we haven't even seen everything yet. This is just the beginning. Trump knows all this.


His trump card is to completely obliterate the left's image of their charming quintessential "scandal-free" "leader" with the TRUTH. It had to be done this way. This (and much more) is the death blossom (death star), which will be the end of the Democrat party.


Through Graham, POTUS and Q are waiting for the perfect time to strike. They are currently attacking all of the players, the QUEEN protecting the KING, like Comey, Clapper, Brennan, etc.

But once enough damning evidence has come out that even some on the left will be calling for him to testify, bam! Trump card. Lay it all out for the world to see and let Obama try to squirm away under the spotlight.


At what stage in the game do you play the TRUMP card?? At the end. TRUMP card coming..