Anonymous ID: 994872 May 14, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.9172444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2898

>>9171996 lb


The entire global economy is bankrupt

The Globalists wanted to crash it into a great depression and World War 3 with missiles and armies and boom boom BOMBS.

Trump's team just called a halt to trading, and froze everything

Then they moved in here and there, cleaning out garbage, fixing leaks, and educating people. Yes, we have time to think and that is good, but there is a flurry of activity going on in the background too. Negative interest rates. The drop in oil process followed by the squeeze where people PAID THE USA to take their oil and put it in the national stockpile.


There is definitely new tech out there including new energy tech but it ain't free and it ain't no MAGIC BULLET. The Cabal levers to suppress new science and tech have been removed, but it still takes people time to develop their discoveries. We just gave them an extra two months, and better financing terms too.


Too many people have overlooked clues in Trump's tweets. Obvious ones such as emergy and covfefe.

Embodied energy, known as emergy, is an easy one.

But covfefe is a work of genius

Co V Fe (Cobalt Vanadium Ferrum/Iron) leads to a key magnetic material used in defense comms, electronics, and DEW weapons.

C O V Fe-Fe (Carbon Oxygen Vanadium Fe-Fe bridge) leads to an enzyme that converts Carbon Monoxide (CO) into petroleum so you can even do that on a starship traveling hundreds of years to another solar system.

Cov Factor (Covariance Factor) has to do with stats. Remember Mark Twain? 3 kinds of lies. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. It's important for those who have the math skills.

CoV Fe (CoronaVirus Ferrum/Iron) turns out this plague affects red blood cells and the iron/hemoglobin's ability to process oxygen. And the Cabal planned this years in advance. Remember it is SARS-CoV-2 so 2003 was their trial run.


And if you noticed that Vanadium was involved in two advanced tech things, together with Iron, you might dig into the area where Geometry, Physics and Chemistry overlap and discover that not only is Vanadium an important catalyst (like Zinc and Magnesium in biology) but understanding how Vanadium-Iron works leads to deep understanding of crystalline structures which revolutionizes materials science

There is also a Vanadium-Ferrum connection to cheap solar cells made with crystalline layers. Might be useful on the moon and Mars colonies.


Get an archive of POTUS tweets, look for the out of place caps, and see how many of them lead to companies doing advanced science/tech research, or to patents/scientific papers. I have found a few, but I never had time to dig every one of them.


Oh, and emergy. By rights, Concrete houses should be the cheapest to build. If it is done smart, they will be impervious to tornados and hurricanes. Think about the impact that would have. More trees in the forests. More places to go camping and fishing.If you know the story behind the film, Reefer Madness you will understand what I am talking about.

Anonymous ID: 994872 May 14, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.9172509   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Truth? Psyop? Setting a trap? Undercover agent?


Who knows….


Anonymous ID: 994872 May 14, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9172815   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


Worth remembering.

Think Chess.

Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?


It's going to be BIBI-LIKUD!

Anonymous ID: 994872 May 14, 2020, 12:24 p.m. No.9173006   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Globalist bankers have pushed every country so deeply into debt that the entire global economy is bankrupt because we owe the central banks more than we can ever pay back, under the current system where we have to increase our debtedness in order to borrow bridge financing so that we can produce something.


That better?

You were the one who mentioned ETs. I thought everyone knew that the debt was owed to the central banks.