Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.9172372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2453 >>2559 >>2719 >>2921 >>3092

FBI Asks Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein For Documents About Her Husband’s Stock Trades


The FBI politely asked Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein for documents about her husband’s stock trades prior to the Coronavirus crash.


Why no pre-dawn raid?


In March, news broke that Republican senators Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler, Ron Johnson and Jim Inhofe sold significant stock shares following a January 24th meeting on the Coronavirus threat.


As predicted, it wasn’t just Republicans.


Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein of California was also connected to suspicious stock trades.


Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum sold his shares in Allogene Therapeutics Inc, a biotech company, and made between $1.5 million and $6 million before the Coronavirus stock market spiral.


According to Feinstein’s spox, the Democrat Senator voluntarily turned over documents to the FBI and answered questions about her husband’s stock transactions.


Feinstein claims she had nothing to do with her husband’s stock trades.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9172407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2559

Coalition swearing-in pushed to Sunday as spurned Likud MKs turn on Netanyahu


Mini-rebellion as PM struggles to divvy out limited number of portfolios to senior lawmakers in his own party; Gantz finds out about ‘request’ for delay from media


Hours before Israel’s new unity government was finally set to be sworn in, Blue and White party chairman Benny Gantz on Thursday evening accepted a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to push off the event to Sunday, as the Likud leader struggled to divvy out the remaining available ministerial posts in his incoming coalition to lawmakers from his own Likud party.


Numerous Likud MKs, some of them ministers and veteran lawmakers, were privately and in some cases publicly rebelling against Netanyahu, furious that they had been offered minor government positions or no post at all.


At least two, Avi Dichter and Tzachi Hanegbi, passed over for ministerial positions, vowed they would boycott the swearing-in ceremony. Ex-Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat reportedly rejected a minor ministerial post, as did fellow Likud MK Gila Gamliel. Senior Likud MKs David Amsalem and David Bitan were also reportedly among those deeply disgruntled at not being offered ministerial posts.


Avi Dichter in the Knesset, March 8, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)


Hours before Israel’s new unity government was finally set to be sworn in, Blue and White party chairman Benny Gantz on Thursday evening accepted a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to push off the event to Sunday, as the Likud leader struggled to divvy out the remaining available ministerial posts in his incoming coalition to lawmakers from his own Likud party.


Numerous Likud MKs, some of them ministers and veteran lawmakers, were privately and in some cases publicly rebelling against Netanyahu, furious that they had been offered minor government positions or no post at all.


At least two, Avi Dichter and Tzachi Hanegbi, passed over for ministerial positions, vowed they would boycott the swearing-in ceremony. Ex-Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat reportedly rejected a minor ministerial post, as did fellow Likud MK Gila Gamliel. Senior Likud MKs David Amsalem and David Bitan were also reportedly among those deeply disgruntled at not being offered ministerial posts.


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The decision means the ending to Israel’s 500-plus days of political deadlock — which included three inconclusive election cycles and numerous repeated failed attempts to form a government — will have to wait.


The two sides have until midnight Wednesday to swear in the new government before new elections are automatically triggered. Most analysts believe Netanyahu will prove able to deal with the crisis, and that the coalition will be sworn in next week.



Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.9172411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2433 >>2475 >>2493 >>2559 >>2691 >>2719 >>2921 >>3092

Obama signals to Judge Sullivan, not to free Michael Flynn


The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan sinister ploy to delay the dismissal of charges against Michael Flynn and instead let outside individuals and groups weigh in with their opinions in court documents.


Sullivan appointed appointed former federal judge John Gleeson as an amicus curiae — or friend-of-the-court — and asked him to explore whether Sullivan should hold Flynn in “criminal contempt for perjury.”

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9172427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2449 >>2452 >>2559

Nunes To Make 8 Criminal Referrals- All Obama Admin


California Rep. and House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” that he is preparing to send eight criminal referrals to the Department of Justice this week related to the Obama administration’s handling of the Trump-Russia investigation.


Nunes criminal referals are about alleged misconduct from “Watergate wannabes” during the Trump-Russia investigation, including the leaks of “highly classified material” and conspiracies to lie to Congress and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court regarding the infamous Steele dossier, Fox News reports.


The dramatic step comes as Republicans have pushed for the release of key documents to uncover the origins of the now-discredited narrative that the Trump campaign colluded improperly with the Russian government, Fox News reports.


President Trump recently told Fox News he would release the entirety of the FISA applications used to surveil one of his top aides, and other related documents.


Nunes said he has been working on the referrals for more than two years, and wanted to wait until the confirmation of Attorney General Bill Barr.


“We’re prepared this week to notify the attorney general that we’re prepared to send those referrals over,” Nunes said. “First of all, all of these are classified or sensitive. … Five of them are what I would call straight up referrals — so just referrals that name someone and name the specific crimes,” Nunes told Maria Bartiromo. “Those crimes are lying to Congress, misleading Congress, leaking classified information. So five of them are those types.”


Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller Foundation (DCNF) reports that Nunes declined to identify the Obama officials who will be subject to the referrals. He said that five of the referrals name specific government officials he believes have lied to Congress, misled Congress or leaked classified information.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.9172438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2465 >>2559 >>2560 >>2719 >>2790 >>2798 >>2921 >>3092



CHINA THREATENED to sanction U.S. lawmakers who have been particularly critical of its response to the coronavirus pandemic, an unprecedented move that comes as Beijing pushes back on international condemnation about its handling of the virus’ spread.


Legislation introduced by a series of China hawks on Capitol Hill, along with lawsuits filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Mississippi, amount to an “abuse of litigation by the U.S. against China over the COVID-19 epidemic” and has prompted Chinese officials to mull “punitive measures” including sanctions, according to a report published in China’s Global Post Thursday morning.


The post does not expressly say who China would sanction and how, but does reference “four GOP lawmakers” and “two U.S. entities.” It cites pieces of legislation introduced by Republicans Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas and Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey that would allow Americans to sue China. It also references lawsuits brought by the Republican attorneys general of Missouri, Eric Schmitt, and Mississippi, Lynn Fitch, seeking damages for deaths caused by the virus.

GOP Sen. Tom Cotton and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt are among those whom China is considering punitive measures to make them feel painful.


Schmitt’s office says it is undeterred by China’s threats.

Tom Cotton responded “China may try to sanction me, but that won’t change the fact that China is a pariah state that should be boycotted by the rest of the world. If China thinks this will make me back down from holding them accountable for unleashing this pandemic, they’re wrong.”

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.9172494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canadian province bans Communion distribution, singing as churches reopen


Alberta’s guidelines make it clear that reopening churches can't distribute communion or sing


EDMONTON, Alberta, May 14, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Alberta Catholic churches are banned from distributing Communion when they reopen today under Premier Jason Kenney’s partial lifting of coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


According to the province’s Guidance for Places of Worship, religious services “must not include sharing food or beverages,” and “must not include any contact between congregants such as handshaking or the sharing of communal items (e.g. communion chalice).”


The guidance also states that “congregational singing is a high-risk activity and is not allowed.”


Kenney, who is a Catholic and voted pro-life during his years as a federal Member of Parliament, announced Phase 1 of Alberta’s regional economic relaunch on Wednesday.


The plan keeps current shutdown in place in Calgary and Brooks, hardest hit by the Wuhan virus, but allows a number of businesses — retail stores, hair salons, museums, daycares, day camps, restaurants and cafes — to reopen with restrictions elsewhere in the province on May 14, reported the CBC.


Churches, mosques, synagogues and “any other place of worship” are also allowed to reopen Thursday with restrictions, said Tom McMillan, assistant director of communications for the ministry of health.


“When stage 1 begins, places of worship will be able to hold services, provided they follow the guidelines provided by the Alberta government,” he told LifeSiteNews in an email.


“All worship leaders are still encouraged to hold services remotely and to use creative mechanisms whenever possible,” added McMillan.


“It will be up to each place of worship to determine if they are ready to open and to ensure all guidelines have been met,” he said.


“For those wishing to host services, Alberta will allow places of worship to operate in a manner similar to how businesses that are currently open to function,” McMillan added.


“They will need to keep attendance under 50 or 1/3 capacity (whichever is smaller), as well as take steps to mitigate risk by following the guidance and ensure the activity is done safely.”


When asked about the distribution of Communion, McMillan said churches “should not do so, as indicated in the guidance. Whenever possible, they should find alternative options to limit touching and sharing of items.”


However, McMillan also made a distinction between guidance documents, which are “not binding and mandatory,” and public health orders, which are.


“In terms of the restrictions, there are specific public health orders that will continue to be in place, such as physical distancing, things like that, so those will continue to be enforced. But overall guidance, those are not mandatory, at this time,” he told LifeSiteNews in a telephone interview.


“We expect people to do the right thing,” added McMillan.


Moreover, “if someone does observe that people are violating the guidance, certainly our public health officials will be able to contact whatever location it will be, to provide input,” he said.


But while guidance documents may not be not health orders, they still use “imperative language,” points out Jay Cameron, lawyer with the Calgary-based Justice Center for Constitutional Freedom.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.9172533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2559 >>2719 >>2921 >>3092

Revealed: Secretive British Unit Planning for ‘Reconstruction’ of Venezuela


Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act have exposed a secretive Foreign Office unit aimed at the ‘reconstruction’ of Venezuela. The files also reveal private discussions between Venezuelan opposition figures and UK officials, detailing proposals for the promotion of British business after a planned coup.


UK support for coup attempt in Venezuela


Over the past 16 months, the UK government has consistently supported Venezuelan opposition figure Juan Guaidó’s attempts to topple the elected government of president Nicolás Maduro.


In late January 2019, for example, the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) urged the Bank of England to grant Guaidó access to £1.2bn of Venezuelan gold reserves.


The Department for International Development (DFID) has also pledged some £40m of ‘humanitarian assistance’ to Venezuela, but it has refused to reveal where this assistance is going.


‘Venezuela Reconstruction Unit’


In January 2020, Guaidó travelled to London to meet with UK government officials and shore up international support for his flailing efforts to overthrow the Venezuelan government.


Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act offer details of his visit, and reveal the existence of a specialist unit within the FCO dedicated to the ‘reconstruction’ of Venezuela.


On his visit, Guaidó met with foreign secretary Dominic Raab, minister for the Americas Christopher Pincher, and director for the Americas Hugo Shorter.


Notably, the list also includes “Head [of the] Venezuela Reconstruction Unit, FCO”, John Saville. The existence of this unit has never been publicly acknowledged by either the FCO or Saville, who was formerly UK ambassador to Venezuela (2014-2017). Saville’s biography on the UK government’s website, for instance, bears no mention of the unit.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.9172566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5G is OFF: Trump Extends US Telecom Supply Chain Ban on Huawei Amid Calls to Wind Down Trade War


The order, launched in May last year, placed Huawei, ZTE and dozens of other Chinese tech firms on an Entity List, citing national security.


US president Donald Trump extended on Wednesday an executive order barring US firms from buying and using Huawei telecom equipment, Reuters reported.


The news comes as the US Commerce Department is set to extend a licence allowing US firms to continue buying and selling with the Chinese tech giant, according to a source cited by Reuters.


But such licence extensions were slammed by wireless trade association CTIA, who urged US authorities to back a "long-term" licence extension.


“Now is not the time to hamper global operators’ ability to maintain the health of the networks,” a CTIA spokesperson said.


The group added that “ongoing, limited engagement with Huawei to protect the security of equipment and devices in the market benefits American consumers by reducing the risk that they will be subject to device compromise.”


The Department of Commerce should also “reinstate and modify its prior authorization for standards development work to allow for exchanges with Huawei in furtherance of global telecommunications standards,” the CTIA added.


To date, US officials have not presented any evidence against the Chinese tech firm despite the allegations.


The news follows comments from Huawei's US chief security officer, Andy Purdy, who slammed US secretary of state Mike Pompeo for urging nations to reconsider the company as a provider.


Mr Purdy blasted Pompeo's comments as "un-American" and said that Washington's top diplomatic official had "maligned Huawei again", adding that no evidence against Huawei had been presented at the time.


Mr Trump's trade war had also cost the US its leadership position in setting international standards on 5G, namely in the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a former US official said, with Huawei leading in more contributions than Nokia and Ericsson, it was reported in May.


Officials in Washington claim that Huawei equipment could potentially be used to spy on countries at the behest of the Chinese government, which both Huawei and Beijing have repeatedly and sharply denied.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.9172592   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kosher Sandwich: The 2 Party System That Always Benefits Jewish Interests (FTN Podcast + Transcript)


From the FTN Website:


Beginning in the 1960s, as WASP political power in the U.S. was being subverted and dismantled, Arthur Finkelstein pioneered a brand new political method that now reads like a how-to guide for kosher modern right-wing populism. Finkelstein is the architect of the modern American 2 party political paradigm that is the reason problems never seem to get solved – in fact, they get worse – and voters never get what they’re promised.


In this clip, Jazz and James discuss “Finkel Think” and how it has been leveraged as the central political strategy to keep you from noticing.


Transcript follows below.


About the FTN and TRS podcasts:


FTN and the other podcasts on the TRS podcast platform have become required listening for anyone serious about understanding American politics. In a highly professional and competent manner, they analyze topics, including Jewish influence, that others won't.


The FTN podcast in particular is hard news focused, delivering fresh dissident angles on current events that ruthlessly challenge the mainstream narrative.


Some of their episodes are free to the public, while others are behind a $10 monthly paywall, probably the best value in American journalism today because you get access to several excellent shows for that price. We highly recommend Eric Striker's, (editor of the excellent National Justice website), and Mike Enoch's 'Strike and Mike' (1X per week) which are also more hard news focused. The Daily Shoah with Mike Enoch, Jesse Dunstan, and Alex McNabb, (3X per week), which is a less formal, Joe Rogan style radio talk show, is also excellent.




The following is machine transcribed. There may be some errors.


Download the entire transcript as a PDF by clicking the down arrow.


You can listen with the audio player in the embedded transcript below. If the auto-scroll function is on (lower button, second from right), the text will match up with the audio.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, noon No.9172644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717

Fed Chair Powell's 'Solution' Is The Root Of The Problem


Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell went negative in a webcast speech on Wednesday, May 13.


I’m not talking about negative interest rates, although that could be coming down the pike as well. Powell went negative on the prospects of a quick economic recovery.


He’s right about the prospects for the economy, but he’s wrong about the solution. That’s because he doesn’t even realize it’s Fed policy at the root of the problem to begin with.


A lot of pundits and politicians have assumed that the economy will just snap back to normal once governments open things back up. Powell dumped cold water on that notion warning that the US could face a “deep, prolonged” recession. He said, “The scope and speed of this downturn are without modern precedent, significantly worse than any recession since World War II.”


We are seeing a severe decline in economic activity and in employment, and already the job gains of the past decade have been erased. Since the pandemic arrived in force just two months ago, more than 20 million people have lost their jobs. A Fed survey being released tomorrow reflects findings similar to many others: Among people who were working in February, almost 40 percent of those in households making less than $40,000 a year had lost a job in March. This reversal of economic fortune has caused a level of pain that is hard to capture in words, as lives are upended amid great uncertainty about the future.”


Powell warned, that “the path ahead is both highly uncertain and subject to significant downside risks.” He added that “A prolonged recession and weak recovery could also discourage business investment and expansion, further limiting the resurgence of jobs as well as the growth of capital stock and the pace of technological advancement. The result could be an extended period of low productivity growth and stagnant incomes.”


He’s right about all that. But he got just about everything else in his speech wrong.


After painting a gloomy picture, Powell called for more government spending and more extreme monetary policy.


We ought to do what we can to avoid these outcomes, and that may require additional policy measures.”


Powell promised that the Fed will “continue to use our tools to their fullest until the crisis has passed and the economic recovery is well underway,” but emphasized there is only so much the central bank can do. He practically begged Congress to borrow and spend more money.


Additional fiscal support could be costly, but worth it if it helps avoid long-term economic damage and leaves us with a stronger recovery. This tradeoff is one for our elected representatives, who wield powers of taxation and spending.”

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.9172681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Cleveland Clinic Employee and Chinese “Thousand Talents” Participant Arrested for Wire Fraud

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.9172695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Arkansas man convicted of child exploitation following ICE HSI investigation


FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A Northwest Arkansas man was sentenced to five years in federal prison May 12 for receipt of child pornography, following an investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations Fayetteville and the Northwest Arkansas Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.


Martin Rosales-Rodriguez, 20, of Rogers, Ark., will also be required to complete ten years of supervision following his release.


According to court documents, in October 2018, special agents with HSI Fayetteville and Arkansas ICAC identified a computer in the Northwest Arkansas area using a specific Internet Protocol address engaged in sharing child pornography images and videos. The IP address was traced to Rosales-Rodriguez’s residence and on April 16, 2019, a federal search warrant was executed. Forensic examinations conducted on Rosales-Rodriguez’s seized electronic devices by HSI Computer Forensic Analysts recovered over 2,600 images and videos of child pornography.


Rosales-Rodriguez was indicted in June 2019 and entered a guilty plea in October 2019. U.S. District Court Judge for the Western District of Arkansas Timothy L. Brooks presided over the sentencing hearing in Fayetteville, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Amy Driver prosecuted the case.


This investigation was conducted under HSI’s Operation Predator, an international initiative to protect children from sexual predators. Since the launch of Operation Predator in 2003, HSI has arrested more than 19,000 individuals for crimes against children, including the production and distribution of online child exploitation material, traveling overseas for sex with minors, and sex trafficking of children.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.9172702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Arkansas man sentenced to 15 years for child exploitation following ICE HSI investigation


FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – An Arkansas man was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison May 6 following his conviction on two counts of transportation of child pornography, and one count of accessing the internet with the intent to view child pornography. The sentencing follows an investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Arkansas Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.


Brion Carey, 35, of Fayetteville, will also be required to serve 20 years of supervised release following his release from federal prison.

“This sentence sends a clear message that child exploitation will not be tolerated in our communities,” said Jere T. Miles, special agent in charge of HSI New Orleans. “We stand ready and committed, alongside our law enforcement partners, to protecting our nation’s children and ensuring predators face consequences for their heinous crimes.”


According to court documents, in November 2018, special agents with HSI Fayetteville received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that an individual in Northwest Arkansas, later identified as Carey, uploaded numerous images of child pornography to a Google-based email account. Further investigation revealed a second instance in which the same Google email account was used to send an email containing 83 images of child pornography.


Carey was arrested in January 2019. He was later indicted on three child pornography related charges and in December 2019, a jury found Carey guilty of all charges. U.S. District Court for the Western District of Arkansas Judge Timothy L. Brooks presided over the sentencing hearing. Assistant United States Attorney Dustin Roberts and Assistant United States Attorney Carly Marshall prosecuted the case for the United States.


In fiscal year 2019, the number of children HSI rescued and/or identified from instances of child exploitation grew to 1,069, compared to 859 the year prior. HSI also saw increases in the number of cases initiated, indictments and convictions during the last fiscal year. Since 2013, HSI has rescued and/or identified over 6,500 child victims, thanks in part to initiatives like Project iGuardian.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.9172753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2996

Didier Raoult: Government Study in Spain finds Those Who Kept Working Were Less Infected Than Those in Lockdown


Renowned French researcher and physician posted this study today from Spain that found those who were essential workers and were out working actually were less infected than those who were cooped up at home in lockdown.


The lockdowns didn’t work as intended in Spain.


And Japan is the latest nation to see no excess mortality with their policy of little lockdown.


Reminder: Dr. Didier Raoult also found great success treating coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.9172777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3123

NYT Falsely Blames Russia For Cyberattack Committed By British Hacker


The New York Times continues its anti-Russia campaign with a report about an old cyberattack on German parliament which also targeted the parliament office of Chancellor Angela Merkel.


Merkel Is ‘Outraged’ by Russian Hack but Struggling to Respond

Patience with President Vladimir Putin is running thin in Berlin. But Germany needs Russia’s help on several geopolitical fronts from Syria to Ukraine.


NYT Berlin correspondent Katrin Bennhold writes:


Chancellor Angela Merkel used strong words on Wednesday condemning an “outrageous” cyberattack by Russia’s foreign intelligence service on the German Parliament, her personal email account included. Russia, she said, was pursuing “a strategy of hybrid warfare.”


But asked how Berlin intended to deal with recent revelations implicating the Russians, Ms. Merkel was less forthcoming.


“We always reserve the right to take measures,” she said in Parliament, then immediately added, “Nevertheless, I will continue to strive for a good relationship with Russia, because I believe that there is every reason to always continue these diplomatic efforts.”


That alleged attack happened in 2015. The attribution to Russia is as shoddy as all attributions of cyberattacks are.


Intelligence officials had long suspected Russian operatives were behind the attack, but they took five years to collect the evidence, which was presented in a report given to Ms. Merkel’s office just last week.


Officials say the report traced the attack to the same Russian hacker group that targeted the Democratic Party during the U.S. presidential election campaign in 2016.


This is really funny because we recently learned that the company which investigated the alleged DNC intrusion, CrowdStrike, had found no evidence, as in zero, that a Russian hacker group had targeted the DNC or that DNC emails were exfiltrated over the Internet:


CrowdStrike, the private cyber-security firm that first accused Russia of hacking Democratic Party emails and served as a critical source for U.S. intelligence officials in the years-long Trump-Russia probe, acknowledged to Congress more than two years ago that it had no concrete evidence that Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee’s server.

[CrowdStrike President Shawn] Henry personally led the remediation and forensics analysis of the DNC server after being warned of a breach in late April 2016; his work was paid for by the DNC, which refused to turn over its server to the FBI. Asked for the date when alleged Russian hackers stole data from the DNC server, Henry testified that CrowdStrike did not in fact know if such a theft occurred at all: "We did not have concrete evidence that the data was exfiltrated [moved electronically] from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated," Henry said.

Anonymous ID: ff82d2 May 14, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.9172962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey, Google! Your censorship of people online is only making them MORE popular. It’s the Streisand effect, stupid!


The increasingly heavy-handed restrictions used by the likes of Facebook and YouTube are backfiring. Their suppression of Dr Judy Mikovits’ ‘Plandemic’ film has simply made her books soar to No. 1 in the bestseller charts.


Attempts by the tech giants of Silicon Valley to stop the spread of ‘misinformation’ by pulling down a Covid-19 documentary are starting to make the planet’s botched attempts to contain coronavirus look successful.


There are few certainties in life, and even fewer during these difficult times in which we find ourselves. Although the infamous troublesome twosome of ‘death and taxes’ are having something of a field day at the moment, the certainty I would like to discuss is the depressingly constant presence of censorship and, specifically, how spectacularly counterproductive it is. This has recently been demonstrated most effectively by Silicon Valley’s attempts to stop ‘wrong-thinking’ people from using their platforms to spread their message.