Anonymous ID: c02e78 May 14, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.9174852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All that gates smirking as he talks about (heh) mass death, suggest he has a gift for melodrama, or, the opera cape fits the actor. Gates Head of WHO? Just the man to ride it down.

Gates favorite author is Vaclav Smil. Energy, environment and population.

Anonymous ID: c02e78 May 14, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.9175473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Daniel Kapon suit was part of a Gloria Allread IO - extortion the motive possibly also to muddy waters around Jackson with meritless suit - like most of her clients causes.


It was later revealed that attorney Gloria Allred and psychiatrist Carole Lieberman were behind the man’s accusations. For those unfamiliar with the names, Lieberman is the self-proclaimed “media” psychiatrist whose official website declares her “the first psychiatrist to have made formal child abuse complaints against Michael Jackson, beginning in November 2002” and Allred is the Jackson-obsessed attorney who keeps making public requests for the singer’s children to be removed from his custody. Allred also briefly represented Jackson’s first accuser Jordan Chandler in 1993 but was fired [by Jordan’s new lawyer Larry Feldman] after she told the media that the Chandlers were interested in justice. Since then, Allred’s relationship with Jackson has been contentious; in 2002, he publicly told her to “go to hell.”